If I was to explain LLVM in a painfully simple manner, I might say something like: “LLVM is a framework that allows you to define a syntax for interacting with computers, and instantly have it work for all computers”. This description does a colossal disservice to the scope of the project, but it serves to illustrate the basic idea: there are many languages (frontends) and many CPU architectures (backends) and we don’t want to re-implement every translation permutation.


Furthermore, if we can make some generic optimizations in the middle, we get wins across all languages and architectures. Consumers of compilers built on LLVM can also pick and choose what sort of optimizations they want to enable, and most of them come with tradeoffs. When debugging a program, we may want to trade some performance optimizations for faster compilation times. When deploying an application to production, we may opt for the latter. Importantly, the language designer does not have to implement all of these different options, they merely have to expose them.

The Rust compiler, for example, exposes flags, such as opt-level, to allow users to tune these optimizations to their liking. It also allows for customization of debug information included in the generated binary, using flags like debuginfo. This is extremely valuable functionality, and something Rust mostly gets for free by being built on LLVM. There is much more we could explore here, and maybe we will in another post, but that is not our focus for today.

If you are interested in learning more about LLVM and how to use it, I highly recommend the Kaleidoscope tutorial.

Crossplane - Explained by a Human Link to heading

So what does this have to do with Crossplane? Crossplane is neither a language nor a target architecture – its documentation says it is “… an open source Kubernetes add-on that supercharges your Kubernetes clusters enabling you to provision and manage infrastructure, services, and applications from kubectl”. That is some great marketing copy! 1

We’ll keep up our trend of overly simplifying extremely complex systems by describing Kubernetes as a “distributed system framework that just incidentally happens to be commonly used for orchestrating containers”2. Even folks who have had only the most elementary introduction to Kubernetes will likely recognize some of the API types it offers, such as Pods, Deployments, and Services. These are the components that lead the project to frequently be described as a “container orchestrator”, and they are built-in the the API server.

Kubernetes also, (in)famously3, allows anyone to extend the API using another built-in type named CustomResourceDefinitions (CRDs). Crossplane takes advantage of this functionality by introducing a few core CRDs into your cluster, then allowing you to add many more by installing various packages.

The core CRDs enable two main feature areas in Crossplane: composition and package management. Composition allows you to take granular Kubernetes API types and create new abstract API types that map to one or more of them. The package manager allows you to introduce, version, and upgrade more of these primitive API types in your cluster. Crossplane has two types of packages: Providers and Configurations. Let’s take a look at Providers first.

Crossplane Providers are a set of Kubernetes CRDs and controllers that reconcile them. These CRDs are high-fidelity, 1:1 representations of external APIs. We refer to this type of CRD as a “managed resource”, and they are all cluster-scoped4. The controllers that reconcile them know how to take the specification of the resource and drive its external state to match it. Common examples of Crossplane Providers include provider-gcp, provider-aws, provider-helm, provider-sql, and countless others. Each of these introduce CRDs for their APIs. For example, provider-gcp installs CRDs such as CloudSQLInstance and GKECluster, while provider-sql installs Database, User, and more. Once these Providers are installed into a Crossplane cluster, you could create instances of them and they would be provisioned via the corresponding API.

Before jumping to Configuration packages, let’s take a brief detour into composition. If we installed some of the Providers mentioned above, we now have many managed resource CRDs in our cluster. Some of these are very complex, requiring configuration of many fields, and some depend on the existence of other resources before they can be used effectively. An RDSInstance might require other AWS managed resources, such as aVPC, Subnet, SecurityGroup, etc. as well as SQL resources, such as Database, User, and Grant, before an application can connect. It is difficult for even an experienced cloud architect5. In response, organizations either require developers to contact infrastructure admins and ask them to set up the proper resources they need, or they throw security out the window and subject developers to baptism by fire. The first solution removes any notion of DevOps6, and the second is not something anyone is going to be excited about, unless your name is Ian Coldwater.

Crossplane aspires to provide a third option by allowing infrastructure admins to define abstract infrastructure types and templates that map to them. In the example with the RDSInstance, the developer does not really want an RDSInstance. They want a PostgreSQL or MySQL database. The fact that the database is on AWS, GCP, or running in the server closet down the hall is of no concern to them. However, they may want to influence some characteristics of that database, such as its size, locality, or engine. Infrastructure admins can choose what knobs to expose to developers, and may choose to expose more to some teams than others.

Alright, enough playing around, let’s look at some YAML. The two primary API types that are used to facilitate this workflow are CompositeResourceDefinitons (XRDs) and Compositions. XRDs are what define the abstract type. When an infrastructure admin creates an XRD, Crossplane responds by creating a cluster-scoped CRD, and optionally a namespace-scoped CRD as well. Here is one for a DB, with only one configurable field (storageGB), which is similar to the example from the Crossplane getting started guide.

apiVersion: apiextensions.crossplane.io/v1
kind: CompositeResourceDefinition
  name: clusterdbs.example.org
  group: example.org
    kind: ClusterDB
    plural: clusterdbs
    kind: DB
    plural: dbs
    - username
    - password
    - endpoint
    - port
  - name: v1alpha1
    served: true
    referenceable: true
        type: object
            type: object
                type: object
                    type: integer
                  - storageGB
              - parameters

If you were to kubectl apply this manifest in your Kubernetes cluster where Crossplane is installed, you would see after a few seconds that a ClusterDB (spec.names.kind) cluster-scoped CRD existed, and a DB (spec.claimNames.kind). As of this point, our cluster looks like the following:


Note: All of the CRD instances that exist in the “Cluster-Scoped Resources” box and define the managed resources (e.g. RDSInstance) and core Crossplane types (e.g. Composition) in the “Cluster-Scoped API Types” box have been omitted for brevity, but they are present as well.

Crossplane creates these CRDs on your behalf, using the openAPIV3Schema your provide, as well as injecting some common fields that Crossplane uses for machinery. Next, Kubernetes, as it does for all CRDs, will register the defined schemas as API types at the cluster and namespace scopes respectively:


Now anyone in the cluster, given proper RBAC permissions, could create a DB in a given namespace, or a ClusterDB at the cluster scope. In Crossplane vernacular, We call the cluster-scoped variant (ClusterDB) an “XR” or “composite resource”, and the namespace-scoped variant (DB) an “XRC” or “composite resource claim”. The other thing Crossplane is going to do when an XRD is created is dynamically start controllers to watch both the XR and XRC variants. These controllers watch for users to create instances of these types, then use generic logic to match the instances to templates that have declared they can satisfy the type. We’ll need to create at least one of those templates for these types to be of any use to us.

The Composition type is used to define a new template. These can be relatively simple, such mapping our namespace-scoped DB to a cluster-scoped RDSInstance and hard-coding some fields. This is useful for a policy enforcement and permission isolation7. An example Composition that does this could look as follows:

apiVersion: apiextensions.crossplane.io/v1
kind: Composition
  name: clusterdbs.aws.example.org
    provider: aws
    environment: dev
  writeConnectionSecretsToNamespace: crossplane-system
    apiVersion: example.org/v1alpha1
    kind: ClusterDB
    - name: rdsinstance
        apiVersion: database.aws.crossplane.io/v1beta1
        kind: RDSInstance
            region: us-east-1
            dbInstanceClass: db.t2.small
            masterUsername: masteruser
            engine: postgres
            engineVersion: "9.6"
            skipFinalSnapshotBeforeDeletion: true
            publiclyAccessible: true
            namespace: crossplane-system
        - fromFieldPath: "metadata.uid"
          toFieldPath: "spec.writeConnectionSecretToRef.name"
            - type: string
                fmt: "%s-postgresql"
        - fromFieldPath: "spec.parameters.storageGB"
          toFieldPath: "spec.forProvider.allocatedStorage"
        - fromConnectionSecretKey: username
        - fromConnectionSecretKey: password
        - fromConnectionSecretKey: endpoint
        - fromConnectionSecretKey: port

Running kubectl apply with this manifest will create the Composition instance at the cluster scope. It declares in its compositeTypeRef that it can satisfy the ClusterDB abstraction, meaning that those dynamic controllers the Crossplane started for the XR (ClusterDB) and XRC (DB) will both view this as a valid template to target. Furthermore, you’ll notice we are patching from the spec.parameters.storageGB on the XR / XRC to the spec.forProvider.allocatedStorage field on the templated RDSInstance. This means that the developer can specify the size of the database without actually knowing what is satisfying the request, and also means that we could just as easily swap out the RDSInstance template for a CloudSQLInstance one for GCP:

apiVersion: apiextensions.crossplane.io/v1
kind: Composition
  name: clusterdb.gcp.example.org
    provider: gcp
    environment: dev
  writeConnectionSecretsToNamespace: crossplane-system
    apiVersion: example.org/v1alpha1
    kind: ClusterDB
    - name: cloudsqlinstance
        apiVersion: database.gcp.crossplane.io/v1beta1
        kind: CloudSQLInstance
            databaseVersion: POSTGRES_9_6
            region: us-central1
              tier: db-custom-1-3840
              dataDiskType: PD_SSD
                ipv4Enabled: true
                  - value: ""
            namespace: crossplane-system
        - fromFieldPath: "metadata.uid"
          toFieldPath: "spec.writeConnectionSecretToRef.name"
            - type: string
                fmt: "%s-postgresql"
        - fromFieldPath: "spec.parameters.storageGB"
          toFieldPath: "spec.forProvider.settings.dataDiskSizeGb"
        - fromConnectionSecretKey: username
        - fromConnectionSecretKey: password
        - fromConnectionSecretKey: endpoint
        - type: FromValue
          name: port
          value: "5432"

In this case, spec.parameters.storageGB is being mapped to spec.forProvider.settings.dataDiskSizeGb, but from the developer’s perspective, it will have the same effect of setting the size of the database.

You can define as many of these templates as you like for an XR / XRC pair. The template that is chosen when an actual instance of the XR / XRC is created is dictated by labels (you’ll notice we added a few in the Compositions above). Before we actually create an instance of an XRC or XR, let’s take another peek at our cluster:


Note: CRD instances and XRD instances are omitted in “Cluster-Scoped Resources” here as well.

Things are coming along! However, I must confess something to you: I told a lie. It was well-meaning, but a lie nonetheless. I said that these templates could satisfy both the XR and the XRC. The truth of the matter is that they can only satisfy the XR, but the creation of an XRC results in creation of an XR.

Note: though we will not demonstrate it today, this property of an XRC being bound to an XR means that infrastructure admins could “pre-provision” infrastructure by creating an XR directly, then have developers just create the XRC that binds to the existing XR, rather than creating a new one entirely. Yep – there is some fun stuff you can do here.

Let’s create the following XRC and see what happens in our cluster.

apiVersion: example.org/v1alpha1
kind: DB
  name: my-db
  namespace: default
    storageGB: 20
      provider: aws
    name: db-conn

Whoa, that’s pretty simple! You’re telling me that’s all I have to do to create a fairly complex database instance? Neat! 8 Behind the scenes, Crossplane is executing the following steps:

  1. Create a corresponding cluster-scoped XR (my-db-xxx) for the namespace-scoped XRC (my-db).
  2. Match the XR to a compatible template. We specified matchLables with provider: aws in our XRC, so the only Composition we can match to is clusterdbs.aws.example.org.
  3. Create the templated managed resources by taking the values provided on the XR / XRC and patching them to the resources as defined by the selected Composition. In this case, this results in the creation of a single RDSInstance with some hard-coded values and the allocatedStorage: 20. At that point, the provider-aws controller is responsible for managing the RDSInstance (it responds the same whether the resource was created directly by a user or indirectly using composition). Crossplane’s composition machinery will reflect relevant parts of the status back to the XR / XRC, as well as the connection details (which we won’t spend too much time on today).


This is a nice abstraction layer, but a rather trivial example. In a production scenario, you likely do not want your database exposed publicly to the entire internet, so you will need to set up networking infrastructure around it, and reference it from the database. The Crossplane getting-started guide has a wonderful “AWS with New VPC” example that I encourage you to take a look at, but I will not copy it here because this post is getting quite long, I haven’t even gotten to the point, and too large of a YAML wall at this point would likely cause everyone but my own mother to abandon ship. The main idea is that we go through the exact same flow as above, but instead of just spitting out an RDSInstance, we spit out:

  • 1 VPC
  • 3 Subnets
  • 1 DbSubnetGroup
  • 1 InternetGateway
  • 1 RouteTable
  • 1 SecurityGroup
  • 1 RDSInstance

…and they all work together because of a powerful feature of Crossplane managed resources called cross-resource references. 9

So we’ve established how Crossplane composition works, let’s get back to packaging. Your XRDs and Compositions are essentially how you are buidling your own platform API, and if you have a limited number of clusters, it may make sense to just throw them in a git repo and kubectl apply them when you make updates. There are a fair amount of Crossplane users that follow this exact strategy. However, I ask you to indulge me for a moment while I explore another strategy that will likely seem excessive at first, but I promise to prove its worth in a moment10.

As mentioned before, Crossplane has a concept of a Configuration package. This is similar to the Provider package, but instead of CRDs and a controller, they only include XRDs and Compositions. They also can declare dependencies on Provider packages, meaning that when you install a Configuration package, Crossplane will make sure a compatible version of all Providers it depends upon are present in the cluster and will install them if they are not. Both types of Crossplane packages are formatted as OCI images, meaning that they can be pushed to any registry, such as DockerHub, GCR, or the Upbound Registry. 11

This allows you (and anyone else if the package is public or shared) to have a “one-click” experience of deploying your entire platform API to any Crossplane cluster in a repeatable way. Once again, this has limited value if you are running a single cluster for your internal control plane, but if you have any intention of sharing, it can be very powerful. 12

Crossplane as a Cluster API Backend Link to heading

I think up until this point we have done an admirable job of showing how Crossplane can provide value to an organization that wishes to allow developers to self-service their infrastructure without making their environments the wild west from a policy enforcement perspective. But this has been shared before and isn’t really reason for another blog post.

What I am more interested in is how Crossplane’s packaging and composition models can be used with other Kubernetes controllers. And let’s not beat around the bush, there is one specific project where this could be of immense value: Cluster API (CAPI). I have been working with a few of the CAPI maintainers to think about how the two projects could collaborate.

DISCLAIMER: Cluster API is a rapidly changing project and I am certainly not the foremost expert. However, regardless of the exact details the concepts below should continue to hold.

The mission of Cluster API is allow provisioning Kubernetes clusters using the Kubernetes API itself. CAPI works by implementing core controllers and API types, then interfacing with three types of providers:

  • Cluster Infrastructure Providers: supplies whatever prerequisites are necessary for running machines. Examples might include networking, load balancers, firewall rules, and so on.
  • Machine Infrastructure Providers: responsible for managing the lifecycle of provider-specific machine instances. These may be physical or virtual instances, and they represent the infrastructure for Kubernetes nodes.
  • Bootstrap Providers: generates bootstrap data that is used to bootstrap a Kubernetes node.

In practice, Cluster and Machine providers are typically packaged together and have a lot of similarities with Crossplane providers: cluster-api-provider-gcp, cluster-api-provider-aws, and so on. Each of these providers supplies concrete implementations of the abstract types required by core CAPI. 13 For instance, core CAPI has a Cluster type, which references a concrete provider implementation in its spec.infrastructureRef. If using cluster-api-provider-gcp, the referenced type would be GCPCluster. Behind the scenes, cluster-api-provider-gcp implements a controller that sets up all of the infrastructure required to run Kubernetes on GCP, other than the nodes (which are handled by the GCPMachine / GCPMachineTemplate types and their corresponding controllers). The list of infrastructure resources managed by the GCPCluster controller includes14:

  • Network
  • Router
  • GlobalAddress
  • HealthCheck
  • BackendService
  • TargetTcpProxy
  • ForwardingRule
  • InstanceGroup
  • Firewall

This differs from Crossplane’s provider-gcp, as each of these resources have their own controller. In comparison, CAPI introduces abstraction at the controller level, while Crossplane implements it at the composition level. In Crossplane, we would define a GCPCluster XRD (or even just a generic Cluster, since we can have many Compositions for a single XRD) and a Composition with templates for all of the resources listed above. Why move abstraction to the composition level? There are a few reasons.

First, it leads to small, focused controllers with minimal scope. Crossplane provider controllers are interested in reconciling their 1:1 representative external resource with the corresponding object in the cluster. Presumably a reason for bundling many external resources into a single controller in CAPI is because they have many related fields and references to each other. However, Crossplane addresses this by the aforementioned cross-resource reference model.

Second, and most importantly, it allows for easy customization by users. In the CAPI model, if a user wants to change some aspect of the Firewall resource, the GCPCluster API must be modified to expose that field, and the controller must be modified to honor it. Alternatively, when using Crossplane composition, a user could modify or create a new Composition that maps to a GCPCluster XRD with the Firewall template modified, or add a field to the GCPCluster XRD that patches to the relevant field on the Firewall for “provision-time” customization. This is faster, more flexible, and doesn’t require actually modifying any code.

Third, since Crossplane allows users to package up Compositions and XRDs into Configuration packages, these different cluster configurations can be easily shared. For instance, the community could define Configuration packages that supply “production cluster configurations” and “development cluster configurations”, with the latter optimizing for cost and the former optimizing for high availability. Furthermore, these packages will automatically install the necessary managed resources by declaring dependencies on the relevant Crossplane Providers.

Lastly, it brings together the cloud-native community to accelerate the effort to define infrastructure using the declarative Kubernetes API. The CAPI, Crossplane, and various provider-specific communities have all done a lot of work to this end, but the longer we stay fragmented, the more duplicate work we will perform.

Weren’t We Talking About LLVM? Link to heading

Ah yes, sorry about that, this post is supposed to be about Crossplane and LLVM. You may already see where we are going. We described Crossplane as a “backend” for Cluster API, but really Crossplane itself is the customizable translation layer, and Crossplane’s Providers are the backends that target infrastructure APIs, similar to the LLVM backends the target different ISAs. LLVM provides a more friendly interface to compute resources – CPU, memory, etc. – for its compiler frontends, while Crossplane provides a friendly interface to cloud infrastructure.


In the example above, CAPI, and operators for Kafka and Sourcegraph, are deploying distributed systems that require infrastructure. They all can run on various cloud providers, and Kafka and Sourcegraph can run on Kubernetes itself. Importantly, Crossplane providers can target any API, not jut the cloud providers, so something like provider-helm could be a backend for deploying something like Kafka on Kubernetes.

Closing Thoughts Link to heading

As you can tell from my endless droning on, I am very excited about this direction for the cloud-native community. While I paint a rosy picture, there is still quite a lot of work to be done, but I can say for certain that I, and others in the Crossplane community, will show up to do our part.

I also want to acknowledge the incredible work the Cluster API community has done to build an innovative project that continues to gain wide adoption. Any future work will be standing on the shoulders of giants.

Send me a message @hasheddan on Twitter for any questions or comments!

  1. I’m allowed to say snarky stuff like this because I helped write it. ↩︎

  2. I had too much coffee this morning and now I’m just getting carried away. ↩︎

  3. Once again, I am calling myself out here as we have really taken this extension mechanism to its logical conclusion by shoving a lot of CRDs into your cluster. ↩︎

  4. Please read this wonderful post by fellow Crossplane maintainer Nic Cope before you commence yelling at me. ↩︎

  5. This was my job title once and I still don’t know what it means – yet here I am using it in a blog post that I proclaim contains valuable information. Life comes at you fast. ↩︎

  6. There I go again, using words that don’t mean anything. ↩︎

  7. Read more about moving the level of permissioning to the level of abstraction in this other terrific post by Nic. Also, if you are familiar with Open Policy Agent your mind is probably already going to some wild places. ↩︎

  8. Update: the day has progressed, the coffee is wearing off, and sarcasm levels are rising. ↩︎

  9. This feature is another reason to have cluster-scoped managed resources – okay, you can continue yelling at me now. ↩︎

  10. Apologies for burying the lede here. Also, did you know that it is spelled “lede” when you say “burying the lede”? I sure didn’t. Or maybe it isn’t spelled “lede” and “lead” is actually correct. I really don’t know at this point, you decide↩︎

  11. The Upound Registry provides some additional functionality for indexing Crossplane packages over any vanilla image registry, plus I work for Upbound so I am basically required by law to shill for it. There are some real benefits, but you can also use other registries if you please. ↩︎

  12. I promise the moment of truth is coming. ↩︎

  13. Hmm, this sounds familiar. ↩︎

  14. You can see more detail and relevant controller links in this issue↩︎