If you write any code that deals with manual memory management, you are likely familiar with the concept of a “use after free” bug. These bugs can be the source of, at best, program crashes, and at worst serious vulnerabilities. A lesser discussed counterpart to use after free, is “use after return”. In some cases, the latter can be even more troublesome, due to the operations that are performed when one procedure calls another. In this post, we’ll take a look at what happens under the hood when a RISC-V program includes a use after return bug, as well as how “higher-level” programming languages can guard against this behavior, at varying levels of cost to the programmer.

If you aren’t familiar with the RISC-V Bytes series, it may be worth giving our first post, Cross-Platform Debugging with QEMU and GDB, a quick read to get the necessary tools installed to follow along.

A Small C Program Link to heading

Let’s start off by taking a look at a small C program:


#include <stdio.h>

int *g;

void first()
  int a = 1;
  g = &a;

void second()
  int b = 2;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  printf("%d\n", *g);
  return 0;

This program is meant to run in userspace (U mode in RISC-V vernacular), meaning that it depends on some initialization that runs before main() (via crt0), as well as system libraries and functionality offered by the operating system, such as the ability to print to stdout. We have one global variable, g, which is a pointer to a 32-bit integer (the default in C for our 64-bit machine), and we call two procedures, first() then second(), before printing the contents of the address pointed to by g, then exiting.

You may be able to guess what the output of this program will be, but let’s compile it, then run it and see. We’ll use an unoptimized build to get a simplified, albeit somewhat unrealistic, picture of what is going on.

$ riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -static  main.c

GCC Version: 11.1.0

Note: gcc compiles dynamically linked executables by default, but we opt to pass the -static flag here to compile a statically linked executable. This makes it a bit easier to run on a different host architecture via binfmt_misc because we don’t have to invoke our RISC-V dynamic linker at runtime.

Let’s run our program and check the output:

$ ./a.out

Interesting! Despite only ever assigning the address of a, which contains the 32-bit integer 1, to g, the contents of that address contain the value 2 when we print. We do assign 2 to the variable b in second(), but how does that end up as the value at the address in g? The crux of the issue is that we are using variables together that have different lifetimes. While g is defined at the global scope, and thus exists for the entire lifetime of the program, a is defined only in the scope of first(), meaning that the program has no concept of a once the function returns.

But we still haven’t explained why the value stored in b, which has a lifetime scoped to second() has ended up at the address stored in g. Let’s take a look at what is happening in the generated machine code.

$ riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-objdump -D a.out | less

Note: there are many ways to explore the disassembled content of an executable. A pattern that I have found useful is piping objdump -D into less, then searching for the symbol I’m looking for, in this case using /main. You can step forward through the matches using n, and step backward using Shift+N.

00000000000105d2 <first>:
   105d2:       1101                    addi    sp,sp,-32
   105d4:       ec22                    sd      s0,24(sp)
   105d6:       1000                    addi    s0,sp,32
   105d8:       4785                    li      a5,1
   105da:       fef42623                sw      a5,-20(s0)
   105de:       fec40713                addi    a4,s0,-20
   105e2:       9ae1b823                sd      a4,-1616(gp) # 70a78 <g>
   105e6:       0001                    nop
   105e8:       6462                    ld      s0,24(sp)
   105ea:       6105                    addi    sp,sp,32
   105ec:       8082                    ret

00000000000105ee <second>:
   105ee:       1101                    addi    sp,sp,-32
   105f0:       ec22                    sd      s0,24(sp)
   105f2:       1000                    addi    s0,sp,32
   105f4:       4789                    li      a5,2
   105f6:       fef42623                sw      a5,-20(s0)
   105fa:       0001                    nop
   105fc:       6462                    ld      s0,24(sp)
   105fe:       6105                    addi    sp,sp,32
   10600:       8082                    ret

0000000000010602 <main>:
   10602:       1101                    addi    sp,sp,-32
   10604:       ec06                    sd      ra,24(sp)
   10606:       e822                    sd      s0,16(sp)
   10608:       1000                    addi    s0,sp,32
   1060a:       87aa                    mv      a5,a0
   1060c:       feb43023                sd      a1,-32(s0)
   10610:       fef42623                sw      a5,-20(s0)
   10614:       fbfff0ef                jal     ra,105d2 <first>
   10618:       fd7ff0ef                jal     ra,105ee <second>
   1061c:       9b01b783                ld      a5,-1616(gp) # 70a78 <g>
   10620:       439c                    lw      a5,0(a5)
   10622:       85be                    mv      a1,a5
   10624:       0004c7b7                lui     a5,0x4c
   10628:       26078513                addi    a0,a5,608 # 4c260 <free_mem+0xc4>
   1062c:       5cc040ef                jal     ra,14bf8 <_IO_printf>
   10630:       4781                    li      a5,0
   10632:       853e                    mv      a0,a5
   10634:       60e2                    ld      ra,24(sp)
   10636:       6442                    ld      s0,16(sp)
   10638:       6105                    addi    sp,sp,32
   1063a:       8082                    ret

Check yourself: why is the difference in address from one instruction to another sometimes 2 (2 bytes == 16 bits) (example: 10604 - 10602 = 2) and sometimes 4 (4 bytes == 32 bits) (example: 10614 - 10610 = 4)? Our 64-bit RISC-V GCC install is using -march=rv64imafdc. The final extension, c, corresponds to “Compressed”, which allows the compiler to compress some instructions to reduce code size. Every instruction in RISC-V is 32 bits, but when the compressed extension is enabled, some instructions can be represented in just 16 bites.

Starting with main, we see our typical function prologue, where the stack is being grown by 32 bytes (10602), the return address (ra) is being stored at the top of the stack frame (10604), and the previous frame pointer (s0) is being stored just below it (10606) before eventually updating the frame pointer to point to the top of main’s 32 byte stack frame (10608). The next three instructions are not consequential for our investigation today, and are only present here due to the fact that we are compiling with no optimization, but for completeness, we are taking the arguments passed to main() and storing them in its stack frame. a0, which gets moved to a5 (1060a), contains argc, a 32-bit integer specifying the number of arguments passed. Because we are targeting a 64 bit machine, word size is 32 bits, so we can use sw (“store word”) to store argc in main’s stack frame close to the bottom (10610). Similarly, a1, which contains argc, a pointer (or more specifically, a pointer to a pointer) to the arguments passed to the program, gets put at the very bottom of the stack frame (1060c).


Description: visualization of function prologue for main(). Note that the mv a5,a0 instruction is omitted from numbered operations on the stack.

Now we are ready to jump to first(). We see a similar function prologue, before storing 1 into the a5 register (105d8), subsequently storing the value on the stack (105da), then finally storing the stack address into a4 (105de). Lastly, we update g with the stack address from a4, such that it now points to a memory location where the value 1 is stored. Though we haven’t reached where g eventually points to 2, we have already made the mistake that can lead to a “use after return” vulnerability. If we step through our program with GDB, we can identify the exact address in g after first().

In one terminal start QEMU, but wait for GDB to attach on port 1234:

$ qemu-riscv64 -g 1234 a.out

And in another start GDB by attaching to QEMU and setting a break point at first():

$ riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-gdb a.out -ex "target remote :1234" -ex "break first"
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000000105d8 in first ()
(gdb) x/8i $pc
=> 0x105d8 <first+6>:	li	a5,1
   0x105da <first+8>:	sw	a5,-20(s0)
   0x105de <first+12>:	addi	a4,s0,-20
   0x105e2 <first+16>:	sd	a4,-1616(gp)
   0x105e6 <first+20>:	nop
   0x105e8 <first+22>:	ld	s0,24(sp)
   0x105ea <first+24>:	addi	sp,sp,32
   0x105ec <first+26>:	ret

After continuing to first() (GDB will frequently skip the function prologue by default), we see the same function body that we dumped above. We are interested in the address that is stored in a4 by the addi instruction at address 0x105de (<first+12>). It is a location in first’s stack frame calculated using an offset of -20 from the frame pointer s0.

(gdb) i r s0 a4 sp
s0             0x40007ffd90        0x40007ffd90
a4             0x40007ffd7c	       274886294908
sp             0x40007ffd70	       0x40007ffd70

Printing s0, a4, and sp shows us that the address stored in a4 is in fact 20 bytes below the frame pointer (0x40007ffd90 - 0x40007ffd7c = 0x14 = 20) and 12 bytes above the stack pointer (0x40007ffd7c - 0x40007ffd70 = 0xc = 12). This is fine as long as we are within first’s body, but as soon as we return our stack frame changes. We can see this happening in the function epilogue:

(gdb) x/4i $pc
=> 0x105e6 <first+20>:	nop
   0x105e8 <first+22>:	ld	s0,24(sp)
   0x105ea <first+24>:	addi	sp,sp,32
   0x105ec <first+26>:	ret

We restore the previous frame pointer in 0x105e8 (<first+22>), then restore the stack pointer in 0x105ea (<first+24>). By the time we return to main the address in a4 is outside of the frame (i.e. below the stack pointer):

(gdb) si
0x00000000000105e8 in first ()
(gdb) si
0x00000000000105ea in first ()
(gdb) si
0x00000000000105ec in first ()
(gdb) si
0x0000000000010618 in main ()
(gdb) i r s0 a4 sp
s0             0x40007ffdb0        0x40007ffdb0
a4             0x40007ffd7c	       274886294908
sp             0x40007ffd90	       0x40007ffd90

More importantly, g is now a dangling pointer.


Description: visualization of steps in first(), which includes: growing the stack, storing 1 on the stack, updating g to point to the location of 1 on the stack, then shrinking the stack.

Our next instruction is a jump (jal - “jump and link”) to second(), where we are again setting up a 32 byte stack frame, then storing a value in it:

(gdb) si
0x00000000000105ee in second ()
(gdb) x/8i $pc
=> 0x105ee <second>:	addi	sp,sp,-32
   0x105f0 <second+2>:	sd	s0,24(sp)
   0x105f2 <second+4>:	addi	s0,sp,32
   0x105f4 <second+6>:	li	a5,2
   0x105f6 <second+8>:	sw	a5,-20(s0)
   0x105fa <second+12>:	nop
   0x105fc <second+14>:	ld	s0,24(sp)
   0x105fe <second+16>:	addi	sp,sp,32

You’ll notice that the instruction at address 0x105f6 (<second+8>) is the same instruction we saw in first() at 0x105da (<first+8>). Let’s step to that instruction, and look at the contents of g before and after.

(gdb) si
0x00000000000105f0 in second ()
(gdb) si
0x00000000000105f2 in second ()
(gdb) si
0x00000000000105f4 in second ()
(gdb) si
0x00000000000105f6 in second ()
(gdb) p /s (int*)g
$4 = (int *) 0x40007ffd7c
(gdb) x/d 0x40007ffd7c
0x40007ffd7c:	1
(gdb) si
0x00000000000105fa in second ()
(gdb) p /s (int*)g
$5 = (int *) 0x40007ffd7c
(gdb) x/d 0x40007ffd7c
0x40007ffd7c:	2

While g continues to point at the same address (0x40007ffd7c), that address is now part of second’s stack frame, meaning that it is free to allocate local variables in the range. Without explicitly assigning to g, we have implicitly changed its value. This is a fairly trivial example, but in more extreme cases this type of implicit assignment could allow a user to manipulate the output, or worse, the control flow, of the program just by supplying certain inputs.


Description: visualization of steps in second(), which includes: growing the stack to include the address in g (which currently contains 1), overwriting the value to 2, then shrinking the stack again.

How Does Go Handle This? Link to heading

One of the reasons why folks reach for “memory safe” languages these days is to avoid accidentally introducing vulnerabilities with mistakes like the one described above. One way “memory safe” languages handle this is via a built-in runtime and garbage collector. Go is a popular language that takes this approach. Let’s look at a sibling program to the one we have already been exploring.


package main

import "fmt"

var g *int

func first() {
	a := 1
	g = &a

func second() {
	b := 2
   // Assign to blank identifier to satisfy compiler.
	_ = b

func main() {

This is almost identical to the C program we saw before. However, when we compile we’ll see the generated machine code is quite different. As before, we’ll disable optimization using the following Go compiler flags:

  • -N: disable optimizations
  • -l: disable inlining
  • -m: print optimization decisions

$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=riscv64 go build -gcflags '-N -l -m' main.go
# command-line-arguments
./main.go:8:2: moved to heap: a
./main.go:21:13: ... argument does not escape
./main.go:21:14: *g escapes to heap

Go Version: 1.18.4

If we run the program, we’ll see we that, unlike our C program, we get the expected value of 1.

$ ./main 

Without even examining the machine code, the -m flag is causing the compiler to emit information about how it is handling our assignment of the address of a local variable (a) with a temporary lifetime to a global variable (g) that outlives it. This is explained in the Go FAQ:

How do I know whether a variable is allocated on the heap or the stack?

From a correctness standpoint, you don’t need to know. Each variable in Go exists as long as there are references to it. The storage location chosen by the implementation is irrelevant to the semantics of the language.

The storage location does have an effect on writing efficient programs. When possible, the Go compilers will allocate variables that are local to a function in that function’s stack frame. However, if the compiler cannot prove that the variable is not referenced after the function returns, then the compiler must allocate the variable on the garbage-collected heap to avoid dangling pointer errors. Also, if a local variable is very large, it might make more sense to store it on the heap rather than the stack.

In the current compilers, if a variable has its address taken, that variable is a candidate for allocation on the heap. However, a basic escape analysis recognizes some cases when such variables will not live past the return from the function and can reside on the stack.

In our program, a fits the description of a variable that the compiler cannot prove is not referenced after the function returns. The compiler will allocate a on the heap, making us no longer susceptible to the use after return vulnerability.

Because Go does have a fairly large runtime, stepping through a program’s execution is more complex and requires knowledge of the language’s internals to fully understand what is going on. For example, the Go runtime maintains a separate stack per goroutine, which can be dynamically expanded as needed, meaning that understanding a given function’s stack frame is not as simple as examining the the stack and frame pointer after the prologue. Futhermore, Go has an internal ABI that does not guarantee backwards compatibility and differs from one architecture to another.

The Go team recommends using Delve for debugging as it is specifically built to understand Go programs. However, Delve does not currently support RISC-V, so we’ll stick with GDB today, which can still be useful if you know where to look (and has the advantage of using consistent tooling across languages). Before we jump into GDB, let’s dump our machine code:

$ riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-objdump -D main | less

0000000000090020 <main.first>:
   90020:       010db503                ld      a0,16(s11)
   90024:       00256663                bltu    a0,sp,90030 <main.first+0x10>
   90028:       ac8da2ef                jal     t0,6a2f0 <runtime.morestack_noctxt>
   9002c:       ff5ff06f                j       90020 <main.first>
   90030:       fc113c23                sd      ra,-40(sp)
   90034:       fd810113                addi    sp,sp,-40
   90038:       00016297                auipc   t0,0x16
   9003c:       68828293                addi    t0,t0,1672 # a66c0 <type.*+0x66c0>
   90040:       00513423                sd      t0,8(sp)
   90044:       ff58a0ef                jal     ra,1b038 <runtime.newobject>
   90048:       01013283                ld      t0,16(sp)
   9004c:       02513023                sd      t0,32(sp)
   90050:       00100313                li      t1,1
   90054:       0062b023                sd      t1,0(t0)
   90058:       000e5297                auipc   t0,0xe5
   9005c:       2b82e283                lwu     t0,696(t0) # 175310 <runtime.writeBarrier>
   90060:       02013303                ld      t1,32(sp)
   90064:       00028463                beqz    t0,9006c <main.first+0x4c>
   90068:       0100006f                j       90078 <main.first+0x58>
   9006c:       000b8f97                auipc   t6,0xb8
   90070:       086fba23                sd      t1,148(t6) # 148100 <main.g>
   90074:       0140006f                j       90088 <main.first+0x68>
   90078:       000b8297                auipc   t0,0xb8
   9007c:       08828293                addi    t0,t0,136 # 148100 <main.g>
   90080:       ff1db0ef                jal     ra,6c070 <runtime.gcWriteBarrier>
   90084:       0040006f                j       90088 <main.first+0x68>
   90088:       00013083                ld      ra,0(sp)
   9008c:       02810113                addi    sp,sp,40
   90090:       00008067                ret
   90094:       0000                    unimp

0000000000090098 <main.second>:
   90098:       010db503                ld      a0,16(s11)
   9009c:       00256663                bltu    a0,sp,900a8 <main.second+0x10>
   900a0:       a50da2ef                jal     t0,6a2f0 <runtime.morestack_noctxt>
   900a4:       ff5ff06f                j       90098 <main.second>
   900a8:       fe113823                sd      ra,-16(sp)
   900ac:       ff010113                addi    sp,sp,-16
   900b0:       00200293                li      t0,2
   900b4:       00513423                sd      t0,8(sp)
   900b8:       00013083                ld      ra,0(sp)
   900bc:       01010113                addi    sp,sp,16
   900c0:       00008067                ret
   900c4:       0000                    unimp

Note: <main.main> is omitted above for brevity as we are primarily interested in the difference between what is happening in <main.first> and <main.second>.

There is a lot more going on in first() and second() than in our original C program, but we still see some of the same operations, such as growing (e.g. 90034, 900ac) and shrinking (e.g. 9008c, 900bc) the stack frame by changing the address in sp. A notable difference exists in the function prologue, which includes a check (e.g. 90024, 9009c) comparing the stack pointer (sp) to what is the current goroutine’s “stack guard” (i.e. 16(s11)). This check is what determines whether we need to dynamically grow the goroutine stack via a call to runtime.morestack.

However, what we primarily care about for the purposes of this post is the following instructions in first():

   90038:       00016297                auipc   t0,0x16
   9003c:       68828293                addi    t0,t0,1672 # a66c0 <type.*+0x66c0>
   90040:       00513423                sd      t0,8(sp)
   90044:       ff58a0ef                jal     ra,1b038 <runtime.newobject>
   90048:       01013283                ld      t0,16(sp)
   9004c:       02513023                sd      t0,32(sp)
   90050:       00100313                li      t1,1
   90054:       0062b023                sd      t1,0(t0)


In contrast to just loading the value (1) into a register then storing to the stack, we are:

  1. Storing a reference to the type information of the object (of type *_type). In this case, the 066c0 address just points to a value of 0x8 in memory, as the 64-bit integer we are storing has size of 8 bytes. (instructions: 90038 - 9003c).
  2. Passing that type information (on the stack, more on this in a moment) to runtime.newobject (ref). This function ultimately calls runtime.mallocgc (ref), which allocates the necessary memory on the heap, and returns an address to it. (instructions: 90040 - 90044)
  3. Loading the value of 1 into t1, then storing it in memory to the address returned from runtime.newobject (which is now in t0). (instructions: 90048 - 90054)

One area of note for us is that Go currently uses a “stack-based calling convention”, meaning that all arguments and return values are passed from one procedure to another on the stack. There is work being done to instead utilize registers, which modern CPUs can access much faster in many scenarios, as described in this proposal. You can read more about passing on the stack in RISC-V in an earlier post in the RISC-V Bytes series.

Note: it appears that RISC-V support for the register-based calling convention will be available in Go 1.19! A future post will compare this updated calling convention with the generated machine code we are exploring today.

Now that we have stored 1 on the heap, we need to update the address that g contains. This occurs in the subsequent instructions:

   90058:       000e5297                auipc   t0,0xe5
   9005c:       2b82e283                lwu     t0,696(t0) # 175310 <runtime.writeBarrier>
   90060:       02013303                ld      t1,32(sp)
   90064:       00028463                beqz    t0,9006c <main.first+0x4c>
   90068:       0100006f                j       90078 <main.first+0x58>
   9006c:       000b8f97                auipc   t6,0xb8
   90070:       086fba23                sd      t1,148(t6) # 148100 <main.g>
   90074:       0140006f                j       90088 <main.first+0x68>
   90078:       000b8297                auipc   t0,0xb8
   9007c:       08828293                addi    t0,t0,136 # 148100 <main.g>
   90080:       ff1db0ef                jal     ra,6c070 <runtime.gcWriteBarrier>
   90084:       0040006f                j       90088 <main.first+0x68>
   90088:       00013083                ld      ra,0(sp)
   9008c:       02810113                addi    sp,sp,40
   90090:       00008067                ret

This may look confusing at first as it appears there are two different sequences that update g (i.e. <main.g>). However, any execution of first() will result in only one of these operations being performed, with the deciding factor being the state of the garbage collector. If the garbage collector is in either the _GCmark (ref) or _GCmarktermination (ref) phases the runtime.writeBarrier enabled flag (ref) will be set. For our purposes, this just means that we have to inform the garbage collector when we are performing certain memory write operations. In this case, we are preforming a global write, and we must write through runtime.gcWriteBarrier (ref) if runtime.writeBarrier.enabled is set.

Note: you can read more about write barriers and the garbage collector in the heavily documented Go runtime source code.

In full, we are performing the following steps:

  1. Loading runtime.writeBarrier.enabled into t0. (instructions: 90058 - 9005c)
  2. Loading the address in a, which was provided by runtime.newobject and stored on the stack, into t1. (instruction: 90060)
  3. Checking whether runtime.writeBarrier.enabled is set. If it is equal to 0 (i.e. not set) then we break (beqz) to the address after the jump (j) in the subsequent instruction (90068), and write the address in t1 directly to g without informing the garbage collector. If the write barrier is enabled, we instead proceed to the jump, skipping our direct write, and load the address of g into t0 and call runtime.gcWriteBarrier. (instructions: 90064 - 90084).
  4. Finally, restoring the return address (ra) and stack pointer (sp) and returning. (instructions: 90088 - 90090)

Note: the aforementioned “stack-based calling convention” is not applied with runtime.gcWriteBarrier, which receives the destination write address in t0, and the source value in t1. This is called out in the implementation.

Because the address in g lives on the heap, we won’t encounter the same issue we saw in our C program when we subsequently call second() and write 2 on the stack for b. Let’s fire up GDB to see this in action.

Start QEMU:

$ qemu-riscv64 -g 1234 main

Start GDB:

$ riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-gdb main -ex "target remote :1234" -ex "break main.first" -ex "break main.second"
Breakpoint 1 at 0x90044: file /home/dan/code/github.com/hasheddan/blog-code/main.go, line 8.
Breakpoint 2 at 0x900b0: file /home/dan/code/github.com/hasheddan/blog-code/main.go, line 13.
(gdb) c
[New Thread 1.152910]
[New Thread 1.152911]
[New Thread 1.152912]
[New Thread 1.152913]
[New Thread 1.152914]

Thread 1 hit Breakpoint 1, 0x0000000000090044 in main.first () at /home/dan/code/github.com/hasheddan/blog-code/main.go:8
8		a := 1
(gdb) x/8i $pc
=> 0x90044 <main.first+36>:	jal	ra,0x1b038 <runtime.newobject>
   0x90048 <main.first+40>:	ld	t0,16(sp)
   0x9004c <main.first+44>:	sd	t0,32(sp)
   0x90050 <main.first+48>:	li	t1,1
   0x90054 <main.first+52>:	sd	t1,0(t0)
   0x90058 <main.first+56>:	auipc	t0,0xe5
   0x9005c <main.first+60>:	lwu	t0,696(t0)
   0x90060 <main.first+64>:	ld	t1,32(sp)
(gdb) n
warning: multi-threaded target stopped without sending a thread-id, using first non-exited thread
9		g = &a
(gdb) x/8i $pc
=> 0x90058 <main.first+56>:	auipc	t0,0xe5
   0x9005c <main.first+60>:	lwu	t0,696(t0)
   0x90060 <main.first+64>:	ld	t1,32(sp)
   0x90064 <main.first+68>:	beqz	t0,0x9006c <main.first+76>
   0x90068 <main.first+72>:	j	0x90078 <main.first+88>
   0x9006c <main.first+76>:	auipc	t6,0xb8
   0x90070 <main.first+80>:	sd	t1,148(t6)
   0x90074 <main.first+84>:	j	0x90088 <main.first+104>
(gdb) i r t0 t1
t0             0xc0000c4000	824634523648
t1             0x1	1
(gdb) x /d $t0
0xc0000c4000:	1

So far we have seen that runtime.newobject did in fact give us an address on the heap, and that we have written 1 to that address. Next, let’s check whether runtime.writeBarrier.enabled is set.

(gdb) si
0x000000000009005c	9		g = &a
(gdb) si
0x0000000000090060	9		g = &a
(gdb) i r t0
t0             0x0	0

Because the write barrier is not enabled (i.e. t0 = 0), we should break and write directly to g.

(gdb) x/8i $pc
=> 0x90060 <main.first+64>:	ld	t1,32(sp)
   0x90064 <main.first+68>:	beqz	t0,0x9006c <main.first+76>
   0x90068 <main.first+72>:	j	0x90078 <main.first+88>
   0x9006c <main.first+76>:	auipc	t6,0xb8
   0x90070 <main.first+80>:	sd	t1,148(t6)
   0x90074 <main.first+84>:	j	0x90088 <main.first+104>
   0x90078 <main.first+88>:	auipc	t0,0xb8
   0x9007c <main.first+92>:	addi	t0,t0,136
(gdb) si
0x0000000000090064	9		g = &a
(gdb) si
9		g = &a
(gdb) x/8i $pc
=> 0x9006c <main.first+76>:	auipc	t6,0xb8
   0x90070 <main.first+80>:	sd	t1,148(t6)
   0x90074 <main.first+84>:	j	0x90088 <main.first+104>
   0x90078 <main.first+88>:	auipc	t0,0xb8
   0x9007c <main.first+92>:	addi	t0,t0,136
   0x90080 <main.first+96>:	jal	ra,0x6c070 <runtime.gcWriteBarrier>
   0x90084 <main.first+100>:	j	0x90088 <main.first+104>
   0x90088 <main.first+104>:	ld	ra,0(sp)

And we do! Finally, let’s continue to second() and take a look at the stack address that 2 is written to.

(gdb) c

Thread 1 hit Breakpoint 2, 0x00000000000900b0 in main.second () at /home/dan/code/github.com/hasheddan/blog-code/main.go:13
13		b := 2
(gdb) x/8i $pc
=> 0x900b0 <main.second+24>:	li	t0,2
   0x900b4 <main.second+28>:	sd	t0,8(sp)
   0x900b8 <main.second+32>:	ld	ra,0(sp)
   0x900bc <main.second+36>:	addi	sp,sp,16
   0x900c0 <main.second+40>:	ret
   0x900c4:	unimp
   0x900c6:	unimp
   0x900c8 <main.main>:	ld	a0,16(s11)
(gdb) si
13		b := 2
(gdb) si
16	}
(gdb) x /d $sp+8
0xc0000aaf00:	2

Here we are able to safely write to the stack because the compiler is able to determine that we don’t have any references that outlive second().


Description: visualization of first() and second(), showing that the address in g is safely on the heap where it will not be impacted by the write of 2 to the stack in second().

How does Rust handle this? Link to heading

Go, and other garbage collected languages, provide immense value to the programmer by protecting them from making potentially catastrophic memory management mistakes, but that protection comes at a cost. Generally speaking, writing to the heap is going to be more expensive that writing to the stack, and we also must accommodate for the scenarios where we are trying to write but the garbage collector is running.

In reality, there are additional penalties that one must pay for garbage collection that we have not explored here, but we’ll save those for another day.

Rust takes a different approach, providing similar (or stronger, as we’ll see in a moment) guarantees, but imposing a greater burden on the programmer, rather than the language runtime. Fortunately, the rust compiler provides very helpful error messages to help us understand why the operation we are trying to perform may lead to undesirable behavior. This is exemplified if we try to reproduce a program that looks similar to our C and Go implementations.


static mut G: &i32 = &0;

fn first() {
    let a = 1;
    G = &a;

fn second() {
    let _b: i64 = 2;

fn main() {
    println!("{}", *G)

Attempting to compile this program results in three errors:

$ cargo build
   Compiling blog-code v0.1.0 (/home/dan/code/github.com/hasheddan/blog-code)
error[E0597]: `a` does not live long enough
 --> main.rs:5:9
5 |     G = &a;
  |     ----^^
  |     |   |
  |     |   borrowed value does not live long enough
  |     assignment requires that `a` is borrowed for `'static`
6 | }
  | - `a` dropped here while still borrowed

error[E0133]: use of mutable static is unsafe and requires unsafe function or block
 --> main.rs:5:5
5 |     G = &a;
  |     ^^^^^^ use of mutable static
  = note: mutable statics can be mutated by multiple threads: aliasing violations or data races will cause undefined behavior

error[E0133]: use of mutable static is unsafe and requires unsafe function or block
  --> main.rs:15:20
15 |     println!("{}", *G)
   |                    ^^ use of mutable static
   = note: mutable statics can be mutated by multiple threads: aliasing violations or data races will cause undefined behavior

Rust Version: 1.58.0

Note: for more information on how to cross-compile Rust programs for RISC-V, check out this earlier post in the RISC-V Bytes series.

The second two are more obvious than the first, and actually happen to be the same error (error[E0133]) in two different locations. Fortunately, the compiler tells us exactly what is wrong: “use of mutable static is unsafe and requires unsafe function or block”. This is an important, and sometimes overlooked, distinction of Rust compared to other “memory safe” languages such as Go. While Go protected us from implicitly overwriting memory, it did not protect us from mutating a global variable (variables with 'static lifetimes outlive all other lifetimes), which, as the additional note in our Rust compiler error states, can lead to complex and dangerous bugs in multi-threaded programs.

However, Rust doesn’t say that we just can’t use mutable static variables. In fact, the documentation points out that mutable statics “are still very useful”, especially when integrating with C libraries. What Rust does force us to do is denote that their usage is unsafe, making it quite obvious that the block of code should be handled with care. Let’s update our program as instructed and recompile.


static mut G: &i32 = &0;

fn first() {
    let a = 1;
    unsafe {
        G = &a;

fn second() {
    let _b: i64 = 2;

fn main() {
    unsafe {
        println!("{}", *G)

$ cargo build
   Compiling blog-code v0.1.0 (/home/dan/code/github.com/hasheddan/blog-code)
error[E0597]: `a` does not live long enough
 --> main.rs:6:13
6 |         G = &a;
  |         ----^^
  |         |   |
  |         |   borrowed value does not live long enough
  |         assignment requires that `a` is borrowed for `'static`
7 |     }
8 | }
  | - `a` dropped here while still borrowed

Despite wrapping our assignment in an unsafe block, our first error persists, illustrating another subtle benefit of Rust: writing some unsafe code does not make the entire program unsafe. If this error was eliminated by our unsafe block, we would still be susceptible to our use after return bug. However, the compiler continues enforcing the lifetime constraints of the language here, meaning that if a is to be borrowed by something that lives for a 'static lifetime, it must also have a 'static lifetime. Adding the suggested lifetime annotation not only allows us to compile successfully, but also ensures that a does not live on the stack, meaning that a future procedure cannot overwrite its value in memory.


static mut G: &i32 = &0;

fn first() {
    let a: &'static i32 = &1;
    unsafe {
        G = &a;

fn second() {
    let _b: i64 = 2;

fn main() {
    unsafe {
        println!("{}", *G)

$ cargo build
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.00s

Running our program will result in the expected output of 1:

$ ./target/riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/blog-code 

For completeness, let’s dump the machine code and bring out GDB to see what is actually being executed.

000000000001234a <_ZN9blog_code5first17h704821ce71949405E>:
   1234a:       1141                    addi    sp,sp,-16
   1234c:       00078517                auipc   a0,0x78
   12350:       ae850513                addi    a0,a0,-1304 # 89e34 <buffer_free+0x32>
   12354:       e42a                    sd      a0,8(sp)
   12356:       000ab597                auipc   a1,0xab
   1235a:       78a58593                addi    a1,a1,1930 # bdae0 <_ZN9blog_code1G17hdf4e2a24b3404040E>
   1235e:       e188                    sd      a0,0(a1)
   12360:       0141                    addi    sp,sp,16
   12362:       8082                    ret

0000000000012364 <_ZN9blog_code6second17h0dfb1109f83f0614E>:
   12364:       1141                    addi    sp,sp,-16
   12366:       4509                    li      a0,2
   12368:       e42a                    sd      a0,8(sp)
   1236a:       0141                    addi    sp,sp,16
   1236c:       8082                    ret

What are those funky symbols for first() and second()? They are the result of name mangling, which allows languages to avoid symbol name conflicts when supporting features such as generics. You can read more about the legacy and v0 name mangling schemes in Rust in the v0 RFC.

This looks much more similar to our original C program, and we once again see our familiar function prologue and epilogue. However, we also see that first() and second() differ in that first() loads the address containing 1 (0x89e34), which is known at compile time, into a0, stores it on the stack (which could be omitted in an optimized build), then updates G (0xbdae0) to point to it. G now contains an address that is not part of the stack (the address of a is actually in .rodata), so even though second() sets up a 16 byte stack frame and writes 2 to 8(sp), it will not impact the value that G points to. We can see this in action in our debugger.

Start QEMU:

$ qemu-riscv64 -g 1234 target/riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/blog-code

Start GDB:

$ riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-gdb target/riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/blog-code -ex "target remote :1234" -ex "break first" -ex "break second"
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 1, blog_code::first () at main.rs:4
4	    let a: &'static i32 = &1;
(gdb) x/8i $pc
=> 0x1234c <_ZN9blog_code5first17h704821ce71949405E+2>:	auipc	a0,0x78
   0x12350 <_ZN9blog_code5first17h704821ce71949405E+6>:	addi	a0,a0,-1304
   0x12354 <_ZN9blog_code5first17h704821ce71949405E+10>:	sd	a0,8(sp)
   0x12356 <_ZN9blog_code5first17h704821ce71949405E+12>:	auipc	a1,0xab
   0x1235a <_ZN9blog_code5first17h704821ce71949405E+16>:	addi	a1,a1,1930
   0x1235e <_ZN9blog_code5first17h704821ce71949405E+20>:	sd	a0,0(a1)
   0x12360 <_ZN9blog_code5first17h704821ce71949405E+22>:	addi	sp,sp,16
   0x12362 <_ZN9blog_code5first17h704821ce71949405E+24>:	ret
(gdb) si
0x0000000000012350	4	    let a: &'static i32 = &1;
(gdb) si
0x0000000000012354	4	    let a: &'static i32 = &1;
(gdb) i r a0
a0             0x89e34	564788
(gdb) x /d 0x89e34
0x89e34:	1
(gdb) si
6	        G = &a;
(gdb) si
0x000000000001235a	6	        G = &a;
(gdb) si
0x000000000001235e	6	        G = &a;
(gdb) i r a1
a1             0xbdae0	776928
(gdb) si
8	}
(gdb) x /x 0xbdae0
0xbdae0 <_ZN9blog_code1G17hdf4e2a24b3404040E>:	0x00089e34

After stepping through the body of first() we see that G (0xbdae0) contains 0x00089e34, which contains the value 1. If we also step through second(), we can see that all it does is write 2 to the stack.

(gdb) c

Breakpoint 2, blog_code::second () at main.rs:11
11	    let _b: i64 = 2;
(gdb) x/8i $pc
=> 0x12368 <_ZN9blog_code6second17h0dfb1109f83f0614E+4>:	sd	a0,8(sp)
   0x1236a <_ZN9blog_code6second17h0dfb1109f83f0614E+6>:	addi	sp,sp,16
   0x1236c <_ZN9blog_code6second17h0dfb1109f83f0614E+8>:	ret
   0x1236e <_ZN9blog_code4main17h71d262632147b946E>:	addi	sp,sp,-112
   0x12370 <_ZN9blog_code4main17h71d262632147b946E+2>:	sd	ra,104(sp)
   0x12372 <_ZN9blog_code4main17h71d262632147b946E+4>:	auipc	ra,0x0
   0x12376 <_ZN9blog_code4main17h71d262632147b946E+8>:	jalr	-40(ra)
   0x1237a <_ZN9blog_code4main17h71d262632147b946E+12>:	j	0x1237c <_ZN9blog_code4main17h71d262632147b946E+14>
(gdb) si
12	}
(gdb) x /d $sp+8
0x40007ffbe8:	2

This is similar to what we saw in our example Go program, though instead of writing 1 to the heap, the compiler has already placed it at a known address in the binary, so all that first() needs to do is update G to point to it.


Description: visualization of first() and second(), showing that 1 already exists in memory outside of the segment used for the stack.

While using a mutable static in this way is still likely not recommended in most scenarios, Rust provides some useful features to do so safely where possible, and explicitly where not.

Concluding Thoughts Link to heading

The example programs in this post (hopefully) do not resemble programs we write on a day-to-day basis, but they serve as useful illustrations of the approach each language takes to mitigate (or not) a certain class of bugs. Peeking behind the scenes at the compiler-generated machine code can bring to life some of the more abstract features of a language. In this post, diving into each binary exposed concepts related to garbage collection, escape analysis, lifetimes, mutability, and more.

As always, these posts are meant to serve as a useful resource for folks who are interested in learning more about RISC-V and low-level software in general. If I can do a better job of reaching that goal, or you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send me a message @hasheddan on Twitter!