In our last post, we explored the Nordic VPR RISC-V processor through the lens of the peripheral processor (PPR) on the nRF54H20. While we demonstrated how the application processor can configure and start a VPR processor, we stopped short of demonstrating any further communication between them. Most meaningful use-cases of the PPR and the FLPR, involve communicating with the controlling processor.

Nordic uses two different hardware peripherals for inter-processor communication (IPC) on the nRF54H20: VEVIF (VPR Event Interface) and BELLBOARD. The former is used for communication with the VPR RISC-V processors, while the latter is used for communication with the Arm processors. Zephyr Multi-Channel Inter-Processor Mailbox (MBOX) transmitting and receiving drivers are implemented for both. It is easy to get confused about the organization of drivers used by each processor, but the breakdown in the case of communication between the application processor (cpuapp) and PPR (cpuppr) on the nRF54H20 is as follows.

  • VEVIF Task TX: used by cpuapp to signal the cpuppr
  • VEVIF Task RX: used by cpuppr to receive signals from the cpuapp
  • BELLBOARD TX: used by cpuppr to signal the cpuapp
  • BELLBOARD RX: used by cpuapp to receive signals from the cpuppr

These drivers provide Nordic’s peripheral interface tasks and events model. Tasks are used to trigger functionality on a peripheral, whereas events are used by a peripheral to notify the CPU or another peripheral about some event occurring. The Distributed Programmable Peripheral Interconnect (DPPI) allows for configuration of channels so that events can be routed between peripherals on a one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, or many-to-many model without a CPU having to be involved at all. Without it, coordinating peripherals would require a peripheral generating an interrupt on a CPU, then that CPU servicing the interrupt by triggering functionality on another peripheral. This not only creates additional overhead, but also occupies the CPU when it may have other operations to perform. However, in the case of inter-processor communication, we are communicating directly between CPUs and want to raise interrupts. Therefore, we avoid using the DPPI and instead communicate tasks directly to the PPR (VEVIF) and the application processor (BELLBOARD) to generate interrupts.


The Zephyr MBOX API supports signalling and data transfer modes. If a peripheral supports data transfer, the MBOX API can be used directly for communicating between processors. The VEVIF and BELLBOARD peripherals do not support data transfer, so we must leverage the Zephyr IPC Service. It abstracts communication by writing to shared memory, then leveraging the MBOX API to signal the other processor to read from it. In order to do so, partitions in shared memory for sending in each direction (if necessary) must be configured.

The same RAM3x region used in the last post for programming the PPR is used for IPC shared memory. This can be observed in the memory map devicetree include file.

		cpuppr_ram3x_region: memory@2fc00000 {
			compatible = "nordic,owned-memory";
			reg = <0x2fc00000 DT_SIZE_K(64)>;
			status = "disabled";
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <1>;
			ranges = <0x0 0x2fc00000 0x10000>;

			cpuppr_code_data: memory@0 {
				reg = <0x0 DT_SIZE_K(62)>;

			cpuapp_cpuppr_ipc_shm: memory@f800 {
				reg = <0xf800 DT_SIZE_K(1)>;

			cpuppr_cpuapp_ipc_shm: memory@fc00 {
				reg = <0xfc00 DT_SIZE_K(1)>;

We’ll use the cpuapp_cpuppr_ipc_shm for cpuapp to cpuppr data transfer, and cpuppr_cpuapp_ipc_shm for the other direction. The IPC config devicetree include file is used by both the PPR and the application processor for the base IPC configuration. The cpuapp_cpuppr_ipc node indicates compatibility with the Inter-Core Messaging (ICMsg) IPC service backend.

		cpuapp_cpuppr_ipc: ipc-2-13 {
			compatible = "zephyr,ipc-icmsg";
			status = "disabled";
			dcache-alignment = <32>;
			mboxes = <&cpuapp_bellboard 13>,
				 <&cpuppr_vevif 12>;

The application processor devicetree file configures the cpuapp to cpuppr shared memory for sending (tx) and the cpuppr to cpuapp region for receiving (rx). It also assigns the rx name to the first MBOX (cpuapp_bellboard) and tx to the second (cpuppr_vevif).

&cpuapp_cpuppr_ipc {
	mbox-names = "rx", "tx";
	tx-region = <&cpuapp_cpuppr_ipc_shm>;
	rx-region = <&cpuppr_cpuapp_ipc_shm>;

The PPR devicetree file does the opposite.

&cpuapp_cpuppr_ipc {
	mbox-names = "tx", "rx";
	tx-region = <&cpuppr_cpuapp_ipc_shm>;
	rx-region = <&cpuapp_cpuppr_ipc_shm>;

The cpuapp_bellboard is first defined in the common nRF54H20 devicetree include file.

			cpuapp_bellboard: mailbox@9a000 {
				reg = <0x9a000 0x1000>;
				status = "disabled";
				power-domains = <&gpd NRF_GPD_FAST_ACTIVE0>;
				#mbox-cells = <1>;

Then, for each processor, the relevant additional properties are added that allow the same label (cpuapp_bellboard) to be used for both the sending and receiving sides.

Application Processor

&cpuapp_bellboard {
	compatible = "nordic,nrf-bellboard-rx";


&cpuapp_bellboard {
	compatible = "nordic,nrf-bellboard-tx";

Even more properties are defined in the board specific devicetree file for the application processor.

The definition of the cpuppr_vevif MBOX differs slightly, as instead of a single global_peripheral with consistent memory mapped registers, the PPR’s sending VEVIF interface is defined as a subnode on the cpuppr_vpr global peripheral with memory mapped registers, while the receiving VEVIF interface is defined as a subnode of the cpuppr itself.

			cpuppr_vpr: vpr@908000 {
				compatible = "nordic,nrf-vpr-coprocessor";
				reg = <0x908000 0x1000>;
				status = "disabled";
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <1>;
				ranges = <0x0 0x908000 0x1000>;
				power-domains = <&gpd NRF_GPD_SLOW_ACTIVE>;

				cpuppr_vevif_tx: mailbox@0 {
					compatible = "nordic,nrf-vevif-task-tx";
					reg = <0x0 0x1000>;
					status = "disabled";
					#mbox-cells = <1>;
					nordic,tasks = <16>;
					nordic,tasks-mask = <0xfffffff0>;
		cpuppr: cpu@d {
			compatible = "nordic,vpr";
			reg = <13>;
			device_type = "cpu";
			clocks = <&fll16m>;
			clock-frequency = <DT_FREQ_M(16)>;
			riscv,isa = "rv32emc";
			nordic,bus-width = <32>;

			cpuppr_vevif_rx: mailbox {
				compatible = "nordic,nrf-vevif-task-rx";
				status = "disabled";
				interrupt-parent = <&cpuppr_clic>;
				interrupts = <0 NRF_DEFAULT_IRQ_PRIORITY>,
				#mbox-cells = <1>;
				nordic,tasks = <16>;
				nordic,tasks-mask = <0xfffffff0>;

The generic cpuppr_vevif label is then applied for each processor.

Application Processor

cpuppr_vevif: &cpuppr_vevif_tx {};


cpuppr_vevif: &cpuppr_vevif_rx {};

Behind the scenes, the Arm Cortex-M33 processors are using the Nested Vector Interrupt Controller (NVIC) and the RISC-V processors are using the Core Local Interrupt Controller (CLIC). We’ll cover them in greater depth in a future post, but for now we can see that the cpuppr_vevif_rx mailbox references the cpuppr_clic as its interrupt-parent property above, while the cpuapp has a private node for its NVIC, and it is defined as the parent at the soc level for the application processor.

interrupt-parent is an inherited property, so assigning the property on a node will also make it apply to all subnodes unless specified otherwise.

	cpuapp_ppb: cpuapp-ppb-bus {
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <1>;

		cpuapp_systick: timer@e000e010 {
			compatible = "arm,armv8m-systick";
			reg = <0xe000e010 0x10>;
			status = "disabled";

		cpuapp_nvic: interrupt-controller@e000e100 {
			compatible = "arm,v8m-nvic";
			reg = <0xe000e100 0xc00>;
			arm,num-irq-priority-bits = <3>;
			#interrupt-cells = <2>;
			#address-cells = <1>;
/ {
	soc {
		compatible = "simple-bus";
		interrupt-parent = <&cpuapp_nvic>;

		stmesp: memory@a2000000 {
			compatible = "arm,stmesp";
			reg = <0xa2000000 0x1000000>;

With an understanding of the hardware configuration, we can use the Zephyr icmsg sample to demonstrate communication between the application processor and the PPR. I recently added support for the nRF54H20DK board to this sample, which effectively consisted of just enabling the previously discussed nodes via devictree overlays. For the application processor, it was also necessary to reassign the ipc0 label.

/ {
	chosen {
		/delete-property/ zephyr,bt-hci;

/delete-node/ &ipc0;

ipc0: &cpuapp_cpuppr_ipc {
	status = "okay";

&cpuapp_bellboard {
	status = "okay";

&cpuppr_vevif {
	status = "okay";

For the PPR, hardware flow control needed to be disabled for console ouput over UART.

ipc0: &cpuapp_cpuppr_ipc {
	status = "okay";

&cpuppr_vevif {
	status = "okay";

&cpuapp_bellboard {
	status = "okay";

&uart135 {
	/delete-property/ hw-flow-control;

The sample is comprised of two similar but distinct applications. The first runs on the application processor and sends messages using the IPC service where the first byte of the data cycles through capital alphabetical ASCII characters (A-Z). It concurrently receives data from the second application, which runs on the PPR and sends data with first byte cycling through lowercase alphabetical ASCII characters (a-z) while receiving from the application processor. The callbacks provided by each application verify that the first byte of the data matches the expected character.

Similar to how we observed the application core configure and boot the PPR VPR processor in the last post, which will also take place in this sample, the MBOX and IPC “devices” will also be setup during kernel boot on each processor according to their compatible properties. For example, the PPR will configure an interrupt service routine (ISR) for each interrupt associated with the vevif_task_rx device.

#define VEVIF_IRQ_CONNECT(idx, _)                                                                  \
	IRQ_CONNECT(DT_INST_IRQ_BY_IDX(0, idx, irq), DT_INST_IRQ_BY_IDX(0, idx, priority),         \
		    vevif_task_rx_isr, &vevif_irqs[idx], 0)

#define VEVIF_IRQ_FUN(idx, _)                 \
ISR_DIRECT_DECLARE(vevif_task_##idx##_rx_isr) \
{                                             \
	vevif_task_rx_isr(&vevif_irqs[idx]);  \
	return 1;                             \


#define VEVIF_IRQ_CONNECT(idx, _)                                                                 \
	IRQ_DIRECT_CONNECT(DT_INST_IRQ_BY_IDX(0, idx, irq), DT_INST_IRQ_BY_IDX(0, idx, priority), \
		    vevif_task_##idx##_rx_isr, 0)

static int vevif_task_rx_init(const struct device *dev)


	return 0;

		      CONFIG_MBOX_INIT_PRIORITY, &vevif_task_rx_driver_api);

Similarly, the ipc_icmsg IPC backend will configure the transmitting and receiving MBOX, as well as the corresponding shared memory buffers for the cpuapp_cpuppr_ipc device.

#define DEFINE_BACKEND_DEVICE(i)					\
	static const struct icmsg_config_t backend_config_##i = {	\
		.mbox_tx = MBOX_DT_SPEC_INST_GET(i, tx),		\
		.mbox_rx = MBOX_DT_SPEC_INST_GET(i, rx),		\
	};								\
	PBUF_DEFINE(tx_pb_##i,						\
			DT_REG_ADDR(DT_INST_PHANDLE(i, tx_region)),	\
			DT_REG_SIZE(DT_INST_PHANDLE(i, tx_region)),	\
			DT_INST_PROP_OR(i, dcache_alignment, 0));	\
	PBUF_DEFINE(rx_pb_##i,						\
			DT_REG_ADDR(DT_INST_PHANDLE(i, rx_region)),	\
			DT_REG_SIZE(DT_INST_PHANDLE(i, rx_region)),	\
			DT_INST_PROP_OR(i, dcache_alignment, 0));	\
	static struct icmsg_data_t backend_data_##i = {			\
		.tx_pb = &tx_pb_##i,					\
		.rx_pb = &rx_pb_##i,					\
	};								\
			 &backend_init,					\
			 NULL,						\
			 &backend_data_##i,				\
			 &backend_config_##i,				\
			 POST_KERNEL,					\


Upon finally reaching main, each application must access the IPC device via the assigned ipc0 label, then register an endpoint that sets up the channel over which to send and receive.

static struct ipc_ept_cfg ep_cfg = {
	.cb = {
		.bound    = ep_bound,
		.received = ep_recv,
	const struct device *ipc0_instance;
	struct ipc_ept ep;
	int ret;

	LOG_INF("IPC-service REMOTE demo started");

	ipc0_instance = DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_NODELABEL(ipc0));

	ret = ipc_service_open_instance(ipc0_instance);
	if ((ret < 0) && (ret != -EALREADY)) {
		LOG_ERR("ipc_service_open_instance() failure");
		return ret;

	ret = ipc_service_register_endpoint(ipc0_instance, &ep, &ep_cfg);
	if (ret < 0) {
		LOG_ERR("ipc_service_register_endpoint() failure");
		return ret;

	while (bound_sem != 0) {

For the ICMsg backend, ipc_service_register_endpoint ultimately calls icmsg_open, which executes a bonding process that consists of writing a magic number to shared memory, then triggering an interrupt on the other processor.

int icmsg_open(const struct icmsg_config_t *conf,
	       struct icmsg_data_t *dev_data,
	       const struct ipc_service_cb *cb, void *ctx)
	if (!atomic_cas(&dev_data->state, ICMSG_STATE_OFF, ICMSG_STATE_BUSY)) {
		/* Already opened. */
		return -EALREADY;

	dev_data->cb = cb;
	dev_data->ctx = ctx;
	dev_data->cfg = conf;


	int ret = pbuf_tx_init(dev_data->tx_pb);

	if (ret < 0) {
		__ASSERT(false, "Incorrect Tx configuration");
		return ret;

	ret = pbuf_rx_init(dev_data->rx_pb);

	if (ret < 0) {
		__ASSERT(false, "Incorrect Rx configuration");
		return ret;

	ret = pbuf_write(dev_data->tx_pb, magic, sizeof(magic));

	if (ret < 0) {
		return ret;

	if (ret < (int)sizeof(magic)) {
		__ASSERT_NO_MSG(ret == sizeof(magic));
		return ret;

	ret = mbox_init(conf, dev_data);
	if (ret) {
		return ret;
	ret = k_work_schedule_for_queue(workq, &dev_data->notify_work, K_NO_WAIT);
	if (ret < 0) {
		return ret;
	return 0;

To see this in action, we can build and flash the applications on the nRF54H20DK.

west build -p -b nrf54h20dk/nrf54h20/cpuapp -T sample.ipc.icmsg.nrf54h20 .
west flash

The application processor (HOST) console output can be viewed on /dev/ttyACM0, while the PPR (REMOTE) will be on /dev/ttyACM1.

[00:00:00.161,970] <inf> host: IPC-service HOST demo started
[00:00:00.162,028] <inf> host: Ep bounded
[00:00:00.162,049] <inf> host: Perform sends for 1000 [ms]
[00:00:01.162,077] <inf> host: Sent 664770 [Bytes] over 1000 [ms]
[00:00:01.162,083] <inf> host: Wait 500ms. Let remote core finish its sends
[00:00:01.662,141] <inf> host: Received 17941 [Bytes] in total
[00:00:01.662,155] <inf> host: IPC-service HOST demo ended
[00:00:00.138,843] <inf> remote: IPC-service REMOTE demo started
[00:00:00.162,313] <inf> remote: Ep bounded
[00:00:01.163,063] <inf> remote: Perform sends for 1000 [ms]
[00:00:02.163,186] <inf> remote: Sent 36558 [Bytes] over 1000 [ms]
[00:00:02.163,285] <inf> remote: Received 664770 [Bytes] in total
[00:00:02.163,312] <inf> remote: IPC-service REMOTE demo ended

We can also follow Nordic’s debugging documentation to step through instructions on the application processor. The on-board J-Link debug probe allows us to use the J-Link GDB Server with the GDB included in the Zephyr toolchain. To target the nRF54H20DK, the following arguments should be provided.

JLinkGDBServer -select USB=0 -device Cortex-M33 -if SWD -speed auto -port 2331

The application processor will be selected as the debug target by default.

west will automatically start GDB and connect to the GDB server with the attach command.

west attach

We can set a breakpoint on main, then continue until execution reaches it.

(gdb) monitor reset
Resetting target
(gdb) b main
Breakpoint 1 at 0xe0a6b44: file icmsg/build/icmsg/zephyr/include/generated/zephyr/syscalls/log_msg.h, line 37.
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 1, main () at icmsg/build/icmsg/zephyr/include/generated/zephyr/syscalls/log_msg.h:37
37		compiler_barrier();

If we view the PPR console output on /dev/ttyACM1 at this point, we can see that the processor booted and reached its own main, but has not yet started communicating with the application processor. This makes sense as the application processor configures and starts the PPR, but the PPR cannot start communicating with the application processor until both have established the IPC service connection.

[00:00:09.651,883] <inf> remote: IPC-service REMOTE demo started

As previously mentioned, establishing the ICMsg endpoint requires each processor writing a magic number into the shared memory buffer used for receiving by the other processor.

static const uint8_t magic[] = {0x45, 0x6d, 0x31, 0x6c, 0x31, 0x4b,
				0x30, 0x72, 0x6e, 0x33, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x34};

If we inspect the memory at cpuppr_cpuapp_ipc_shm, we can see the magic number present at (0x2fc0fc28).

(gdb) x/100bx 0x2fc0fc00
0x2fc0fc00:	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x9d	0x57	0xe4	0x10
0x2fc0fc08:	0x05	0x63	0x79	0x42	0x74	0x70	0xb5	0xf3
0x2fc0fc10:	0x03	0x29	0x4e	0x89	0xfd	0xbc	0xc1	0xe0
0x2fc0fc18:	0x90	0xe6	0x19	0xab	0xc3	0xd9	0xdf	0x4e
0x2fc0fc20:	0x14	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x0d	0x00	0x00
0x2fc0fc28:	0x45	0x6d	0x31	0x6c	0x31	0x4b	0x30	0x72
0x2fc0fc30:	0x6e	0x33	0x6c	0x69	0x34	0x2b	0x00	0x00
0x2fc0fc38:	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00
0x2fc0fc40:	0x53	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00
0x2fc0fc48:	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00
0x2fc0fc50:	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00
0x2fc0fc58:	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00
0x2fc0fc60:	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00

To observe the establishment of the endpoint on the application processor side, we can step through by placing breakpoints at the corresponding function calls.

(gdb) b ipc_service_register_endpoint
Breakpoint 2 at 0xe0a82f4: file zephyr/subsys/ipc/ipc_service/ipc_service.c, line 71.
(gdb) b register_ept
Breakpoint 3 at 0xe0b0e4e: file zephyr/subsys/ipc/ipc_service/backends/ipc_icmsg.c, line 20.
(gdb) b icmsg_open
Breakpoint 4 at 0xe0a8528: file zephyr/include/zephyr/sys/atomic_builtin.h, line 26.
(gdb) b mbox_init
Breakpoint 5 at 0xe0a85bc: file zephyr/subsys/ipc/ipc_service/lib/icmsg.c, line 244.

After the call to mbox_init, we can now see the magic number in the cpuapp_cpuppr_ipc_shm shared memory buffer as well (0x2fc0f828).

(gdb) c

Breakpoint 2, ipc_service_register_endpoint (instance=0xe0b1d10 <__device_dts_ord_62>, ept=0x2f013d3c <z_main_stack+804>, cfg=0x2f0110e0 <ep_cfg>) at zephyr/subsys/ipc/ipc_service/ipc_service.c:71
71		if (!instance || !ept || !cfg) {
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 3, register_ept (instance=0xe0b1d10 <__device_dts_ord_62>, token=0x2f013d40 <z_main_stack+808>, cfg=0x2f0110e0 <ep_cfg>) at zephyr/subsys/ipc/ipc_service/backends/ipc_icmsg.c:20
20		const struct icmsg_config_t *conf = instance->config;
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 4, icmsg_open (conf=0xe0b2d00 <backend_config_1>, dev_data=0x2f011000 <backend_data_1>, cb=0x2f0110e8 <ep_cfg+8>, ctx=0x0) at zephyr/include/zephyr/sys/atomic_builtin.h:26
26		return __atomic_compare_exchange_n(target, &old_value, new_value,
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 5, mbox_init (dev_data=0x2f011000 <backend_data_1>, conf=0xe0b2d00 <backend_config_1>) at zephyr/subsys/ipc/ipc_service/lib/icmsg.c:244
244		k_work_init(&dev_data->mbox_work, mbox_callback_process);
(gdb) n
245		k_work_init_delayable(&dev_data->notify_work, notify_process);
(gdb) x/100bx 0x2fc0f800
0x2fc0f800:	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0xeb	0x6b	0x58	0x78
0x2fc0f808:	0xad	0x48	0x70	0xdd	0x6d	0x9d	0xc6	0x0f
0x2fc0f810:	0xe9	0x9a	0x62	0xd5	0xd1	0x8d	0x6b	0xe8
0x2fc0f818:	0x44	0x65	0xb0	0x6a	0x60	0x01	0x4f	0x38
0x2fc0f820:	0x14	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x0d	0x00	0x00
0x2fc0f828:	0x45	0x6d	0x31	0x6c	0x31	0x4b	0x30	0x72
0x2fc0f830:	0x6e	0x33	0x6c	0x69	0x34	0x00	0x00	0x00
0x2fc0f838:	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00
0x2fc0f840:	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00
0x2fc0f848:	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00
0x2fc0f850:	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x31	0x00	0x00
0x2fc0f858:	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00	0x00
0x2fc0f860:	0x6a	0x00	0x00	0x00

With the endpoints bound, continuing will result in the sample running as previously observed.

[00:00:09.651,883] <inf> remote: IPC-service REMOTE demo started
[00:24:00.195,396] <inf> remote: Ep bounded
[00:24:01.196,088] <inf> remote: Perform sends for 1000 [ms]
[00:24:02.196,186] <inf> remote: Sent 36558 [Bytes] over 1000 [ms]
[00:24:02.196,285] <inf> remote: Received 664770 [Bytes] in total
[00:24:02.196,312] <inf> remote: IPC-service REMOTE demo ended