In the last two posts in the RISC-V Bytes series we have looked at a bootloader for the ESP32-C3, then built a Zephyr application that was loaded by it. In this post we’ll take a closer look at that “Hello, World” application, diving into what happens prior to printing our message to the UART console.

Note: all analysis and code samples used in this post correspond to the v3.3.0 release of Zephyr.


Sections Link to heading

Finding the Entrypoint Link to heading

When we installed the Zephyr SDK, we not only acquired a compiler for our target platform, but also all supporting tooling needed for the build process and subsequent operations. To makes these tools accessible, you can add the relevant /bin directory to your PATH.

$ export PATH=$PATH:/home/hasheddan/.local/home/hasheddan/.local/zephyr-sdk-0.16.0/riscv64-zephyr-elf/bin

We will primarily be using objdump to explore our application image. The first step is finding the entrypoint, which is where the bootloader will jump after copying the image from ROM into RAM. The application image for our example in the last post can be found in the build/zephyr directory. Passing the -f flag to objdump will give us only the ELF file header.

$ riscv64-zephyr-elf-objdump -f zephyr/zephyr.elf 

zephyr/zephyr.elf:     file format elf32-littleriscv
architecture: riscv:rv32, flags 0x00000012:
start address 0x40382bb0

The start address is determined by the ENTRY command of the final linker script, linker.cmd , which also resides in the build/zephyr directory.

$ cat zephyr/linker.cmd | grep __start

This specifies that execution should begin at the address of the symbol __start.

SoC Setup Link to heading

We can see the disassembly of the __start symbol by passing it to objdump via the --disassemble flag.

$ riscv64-zephyr-elf-riscv64-zephyr-elf-objdump zephyr.elf --disassemble="__start"

zephyr.elf:     file format elf32-littleriscv

Disassembly of section .iram0.text:

40382bb0 <__start>:
40382bb0:	f2cfd06f          	j	403802dc <__esp_platform_start>

Disassembly of section .flash.text:

All we are doing is jumping to __esp_platform_start, which is clearly specific to our Espressif (esp) target. The first steps of a Zephyr application are typically defined in the Zephyr repository’s soc/ (“system on chip”) directory. This directory is where platform-specific code lives, which may be applicable to one or more boards defined in the boards/ directory. These two directories, along with the arch/ directory, allow for Zephyr to reuse as much functionality as possible, while still being able to run on many targets. It is helpful to conceptualize them with increasing levels of specificity.

  1. arch/riscv: functionality that is standardized as part of the RISC-V set of specifications and is applicable to all RISC-V platforms.
  2. soc/riscv/<platform>: functionality that is specific to a single platform (or “system on chip”), which may be present on many devices, but always has common attributes. It is typical for linker scripts and hardware initilization logic to live here.
  3. boards/riscv/<board>: functionality that only applies to a single device (or tightly related series of devices). This is where devicetree files are defined that describe the board’s specific peripherals and their corresponding memory-mapped addresses.

Note: there are other places where platform-specific code may be defined, particularly for various drivers. One such example is the ESP32-C3 interrupt controller.

For the ESP32-C3, the __start function is defined in soc/riscv/esp32c3/loader.c.

soc/riscv/esp32c3/loader.c (source)

void __start(void)
	int err = map_rom_segments();

	if (err != 0) {
		ets_printf("Failed to setup XIP, aborting\n");

Because we are not using MCUboot, all we do is jump to __esp_platform_start, which is defined in soc/riscv/esp32c3/soc.c. This function contains all setup required prior to starting up the Zephyr kernel, such as:

Pointing the mtvec CSR (Control & Status Register) _esp32c3_vector_table.

soc/riscv/esp32c3/soc.c (source)

	__asm__ __volatile__("la t0, _esp32c3_vector_table\n"
						"csrw mtvec, t0\n");

Disabling interrupts.

soc/riscv/esp32c3/soc.c (source)

	/* Disable normal interrupts. */
	csr_read_clear(mstatus, MSTATUS_MIE);

And initializing clocks.

soc/riscv/esp32c3/soc.c (source)

	/* Configures the CPU clock, RTC slow and fast clocks, and performs
	 * RTC slow clock calibration.

However, the final step is calling z_cstart(), which is ultimately where we will start the kernel.

soc/riscv/esp32c3/soc.c (source)

	/* Start Zephyr */

We can find this same call at the bottom of the symbol disassembly in our binary.

$ riscv64-zephyr-elf-objdump zephyr.elf --disassemble="__esp_platform_start" | tail -5
40380384:	01c93097          	auipc	ra,0x1c93
40380388:	e48080e7          	jalr	-440(ra) # 420131cc <esp_intr_initialize>
4038038c:	434000ef          	jal	ra,403807c0 <z_cstart>

Disassembly of section .flash.text:

Zephyr Threads Link to heading

Much of the early kernel setup in Zephyr depends on whether threads are enabled or not. Zephyr threads are much like threads in other execution environments: they represent independent sequences of instructions with their own associated state. Threads are enabled by default in Zephyr, as evidenced by CONFIG_MULTITHREADING being set to y by default. Though many threads may be spawned, there are two system threads that Zephyr spins up by default: the main thread and the idle thread.

The main thread is the one in which our application entrypoint will begin executing. However, we noticed when flashing and running our simple example that, though our main() function returns, the application continued running.


#include <zephyr/kernel.h>

int main(void)
	printk("Hello, RISC-V Bytes!\n");
	return 0;

This is due to the kernel switching to the idle thread, which will do nothing until there is more work to be done. In our example, there never is.

Getting to Main Link to heading

The entire dump of z_cstart() is included below. It can be helpful to see it all as a single block, but we will break it down into smaller pieces in a moment. The first thing you’ll notice at the beginning is the function prologue, which we are familiar with from previous posts where we have used a stack. The esp-idf bootloader already has setup our stack, which is what allows for z_cstart() (and the preceding platform setup) to be written in C. The first few instructions show growing our stack (addi sp,sp,-192), then storing our callee-saved registers on it (ra, s0, s1, s2, s3).

$ riscv64-zephyr-elf-objdump zephyr/zephyr.elf --disassemble=z_cstart

zephyr/zephyr.elf:     file format elf32-littleriscv

Disassembly of section .iram0.text:

403807c0 <z_cstart>:
403807c0:	f4010113          	addi	sp,sp,-192
403807c4:	00000513          	li	    a0,0
403807c8:	0a112e23          	sw	    ra,188(sp)
403807cc:	0a812c23          	sw	    s0,184(sp)
403807d0:	0a912a23          	sw	    s1,180(sp)
403807d4:	0b212823          	sw	    s2,176(sp)
403807d8:	01810493          	addi	s1,sp,24
403807dc:	0b312623          	sw	    s3,172(sp)
403807e0:	3fc83437          	lui	    s0,0x3fc83
403807e4:	df5ff0ef          	jal	    ra,403805d8 <z_sys_init_run_level>
403807e8:	10100793          	li	    a5,257
403807ec:	00048513          	mv	    a0,s1
403807f0:	df040413          	addi	s0,s0,-528 # 3fc82df0 <_kernel>
403807f4:	02f11223          	sh	    a5,36(sp)
403807f8:	1d4010ef          	jal	    ra,403819cc <k_thread_system_pool_assign>
403807fc:	00942423          	sw	    s1,8(s0)
40380800:	d3dff0ef          	jal	    ra,4038053c <z_device_state_init>
40380804:	00100513          	li	    a0,1
40380808:	dd1ff0ef          	jal	    ra,403805d8 <z_sys_init_run_level>
4038080c:	00200513          	li	    a0,2
40380810:	dc9ff0ef          	jal	    ra,403805d8 <z_sys_init_run_level>
40380814:	185000ef          	jal	    ra,40381198 <z_sched_init>
40380818:	3c0007b7          	lui	    a5,0x3c000
4038081c:	73c78793          	addi	a5,a5,1852 # 3c00073c <__pinctrl_state_pins_0__device_dts_ord_39+0x10>
40380820:	3fc834b7          	lui	    s1,0x3fc83
40380824:	00f12223          	sw	    a5,4(sp)
40380828:	403806b7          	lui	    a3,0x40380
4038082c:	00100793          	li	    a5,1
40380830:	00001637          	lui	    a2,0x1
40380834:	3fc845b7          	lui	    a1,0x3fc84
40380838:	d4048913          	addi	s2,s1,-704 # 3fc82d40 <z_main_thread>
4038083c:	00000893          	li	    a7,0
40380840:	00000813          	li	    a6,0
40380844:	00000713          	li	    a4,0
40380848:	68468693          	addi	a3,a3,1668 # 40380684 <bg_thread_main>
4038084c:	80060613          	addi	a2,a2,-2048 # 800 <CONFIG_ISR_STACK_SIZE>
40380850:	82058593          	addi	a1,a1,-2016 # 3fc83820 <z_main_stack>
40380854:	00f12023          	sw	    a5,0(sp)
40380858:	d4048513          	addi	a0,s1,-704
4038085c:	00000793          	li	    a5,0
40380860:	01242c23          	sw	    s2,24(s0)
40380864:	060000ef          	jal	    ra,403808c4 <z_setup_new_thread>
40380868:	00d94783          	lbu	    a5,13(s2)
4038086c:	d4048513          	addi	a0,s1,-704
40380870:	ffb7f793          	andi	a5,a5,-5
40380874:	00f906a3          	sb	    a5,13(s2)
40380878:	714000ef          	jal	    ra,40380f8c <z_ready_thread>
4038087c:	00000513          	li	    a0,0
40380880:	e7dff0ef          	jal	    ra,403806fc <z_init_cpu>
40380884:	30047973          	csrrci	s2,mstatus,8
40380888:	00842983          	lw	    s3,8(s0)
4038088c:	ff500793          	li	    a5,-11
40380890:	06f9ac23          	sw	    a5,120(s3)
40380894:	300477f3          	csrrci	a5,mstatus,8
40380898:	0d5000ef          	jal	    ra,4038116c <z_swap_next_thread>
4038089c:	02a98063          	beq	    s3,a0,403808bc <z_cstart+0xfc>
403808a0:	00050493          	mv	    s1,a0
403808a4:	00a42423          	sw	    a0,8(s0)
403808a8:	1e0000ef          	jal	    ra,40380a88 <z_reset_time_slice>
403808ac:	07c4a503          	lw	    a0,124(s1)
403808b0:	00098593          	mv	    a1,s3
403808b4:	01c93097          	auipc	ra,0x1c93
403808b8:	818080e7          	jalr	-2024(ra) # 420130cc <z_riscv_switch>
403808bc:	00897913          	andi	s2,s2,8
403808c0:	30092073          	csrs	mstatus,s2

Disassembly of section .flash.text:

Hardware Initialization Link to heading

Following the prologue, we encounter the first invocation of the z_sys_init_run_level() function (jal ra,403805d8), which incrementally initializes various objects throughout kernel startup according to a specified level. The first level is INIT_LEVEL_EARLY.

kernel/init.c (source)

	/* initialize early init calls */

Prior to our jal instruction, there is a li a0,0 instruction in the middle of the function prologue. This corresponds to passing INIT_LEVEL_EARLY, which is the 0 level. Throughout z_cstart(), there are two more calls to z_sys_init_run_level(), one with a preceding li a0,1 and another with a preceding li a0,2 for INIT_LEVEL_PRE_KERNEL_1 and INIT_LEVEL_PRE_KERNEL_2 respectively.

kernel/init.c (source)

	/* perform basic hardware initialization */

The First Thread Link to heading

Between the first initialization call and the second and third, we perform the first step in boostrapping threads.

kernel/init.c (source)

	/* Note: The z_ready_thread() call in prepare_multithreading() requires
	 * a dummy thread even if CONFIG_ARCH_HAS_CUSTOM_SWAP_TO_MAIN=y
	struct k_thread dummy_thread;


Though CONFIG_MULTITHREADING is defined, we don’t see a call to z_dummy_thread_init() due to the function being specified as inline.

kernel/include/kswap.h (source)

static inline void z_dummy_thread_init(struct k_thread *dummy_thread)

Instead we see a sequence of instructions that are setting up our first thread (dummy_thread).

403807d8:	01810493          	addi	s1,sp,24
403807e8:	10100793          	li	    a5,257
403807ec:	00048513          	mv	    a0,s1
403807f0:	df040413          	addi	s0,s0,-528 # 3fc82df0 <_kernel>
403807f4:	02f11223          	sh	    a5,36(sp)
403807f8:	1d4010ef          	jal	    ra,403819cc <k_thread_system_pool_assign>
403807fc:	00942423          	sw	    s1,8(s0)

Included from earlier in the z_cstart() disassembly is the addi s1,sp,24, which is storing a pointer to a stack location into the s1 callee-saved register. This happens to be the pointer to dummy_thread, which is declared in the function body. In the z_dummy_thread_init() body, we make a call to k_thread_system_pool_assign().

kernel/include/kswap.h (source)


It takes an arugment of the struct pointer that was passed to z_dummy_thread_init(). To do so, we load the pointer from s1 into the first argument register, a0, with mv a0,s1. Before we call k_thread_system_pool_assign(), we also load the address of the _kernel symbol into the s0 callee-saved register. k_thread_system_pool_assign() is a fairly simple function that just assigns the SYSTEM_HEAP to the passed thread’s resource pool.

kernel/mempool.c (source)

void k_thread_system_pool_assign(struct k_thread *thread)
	thread->resource_pool = _SYSTEM_HEAP;

The Kernel Structure Link to heading

Upon returning to the call, we assign the pointer to dummy_thread in s1 to an offset of the address of _kernel stored in s0 with sw s1,8(s0). _kernel is the central data structure, as one might guess, in Zephyr kernel operations. It is defined as the only instance of z_kernel in init.c.

kernel/init.c (source)

/* the only struct z_kernel instance */
struct z_kernel _kernel;

The z_kernel structure varies based on enabled features, but it always contains an array of _cpu.

include/zephyr/kernel_struct.h (source)

struct z_kernel {
	struct _cpu cpus[CONFIG_MP_MAX_NUM_CPUS];

#ifdef CONFIG_PM
	int32_t idle; /* Number of ticks for kernel idling */

	 * ready queue: can be big, keep after small fields, since some
	 * assembly (e.g. ARC) are limited in the encoding of the offset
	struct _ready_q ready_q;

	 * A 'current_sse' field does not exist in addition to the 'current_fp'
	 * field since it's not possible to divide the IA-32 non-integer
	 * registers into 2 distinct blocks owned by differing threads.  In
	 * other words, given that the 'fxnsave/fxrstor' instructions
	 * save/restore both the X87 FPU and XMM registers, it's not possible
	 * for a thread to only "own" the XMM registers.

	/* thread that owns the FP regs */
	struct k_thread *current_fp;

	struct k_thread *threads; /* singly linked list of ALL threads */

	/* Need to signal an IPI at the next scheduling point */
	bool pending_ipi;

There is only 1 hart in the ESP32-C3, so the cpus array is of length 1. This can be verified by grepping for the CONFIG_MP_MAX_NUM_CPUS value in the build/ directory.


The offset of 8 corresponds to the current thread for the first hart, which is the final operation in the z_dummy_thread_init() function.

kernel/include/kswap.h (source)

	_current_cpu->current = dummy_thread;

Setting up the Main Thread Link to heading

Returning back to z_cstart(), we are now ready to start up the scheduler and switch to the main thread.

kernel/init.c (source)


Both prepare_multithreading() and switch_to_main_thread() are inlined. The first call in prepare_multithreading() is to initialize the scheduler.

kernel/sched.c (source)

void z_sched_init(void)
	unsigned int num_cpus = arch_num_cpus();

	for (int i = 0; i < num_cpus; i++) {


In our case, this resolves to a call to init_ready_q(), which sets up a doubly-linked list via sys_dlist_init().

kernel/sched.c (source)

void init_ready_q(struct _ready_q *rq)
	rq->runq = (struct _priq_rb) {
		.tree = {
			.lessthan_fn = z_priq_rb_lessthan,
#elif defined(CONFIG_SCHED_MULTIQ)
	for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(_kernel.ready_q.runq.queues); i++) {

The next few calls are to setup the main and idle threads.

kernel/init.c (source)

	stack_ptr = z_setup_new_thread(&z_main_thread, z_main_stack,
				       CONFIG_MAIN_STACK_SIZE, bg_thread_main,
				       NULL, NULL, NULL,
				       K_ESSENTIAL, "main");


	return stack_ptr;

z_setup_new_thread() dominates the majority of the instructions in the z_cstart() disassembly, primarily due to the number of arguments it accepts.

40380818:	3c0007b7          	lui	    a5,0x3c000
4038081c:	73c78793          	addi	a5,a5,1852 # 3c00073c <__pinctrl_state_pins_0__device_dts_ord_39+0x10>
40380820:	3fc834b7          	lui	    s1,0x3fc83
40380824:	00f12223          	sw	    a5,4(sp)
40380828:	403806b7          	lui	    a3,0x40380
4038082c:	00100793          	li	    a5,1
40380830:	00001637          	lui	    a2,0x1
40380834:	3fc845b7          	lui	    a1,0x3fc84
40380838:	d4048913          	addi	s2,s1,-704 # 3fc82d40 <z_main_thread>
4038083c:	00000893          	li	    a7,0
40380840:	00000813          	li	    a6,0
40380844:	00000713          	li	    a4,0
40380848:	68468693          	addi	a3,a3,1668 # 40380684 <bg_thread_main>
4038084c:	80060613          	addi	a2,a2,-2048 # 800 <CONFIG_ISR_STACK_SIZE>
40380850:	82058593          	addi	a1,a1,-2016 # 3fc83820 <z_main_stack>
40380854:	00f12023          	sw	    a5,0(sp)
40380858:	d4048513          	addi	a0,s1,-704
4038085c:	00000793          	li	    a5,0
40380860:	01242c23          	sw	    s2,24(s0)
40380864:	060000ef          	jal	    ra,403808c4 <z_setup_new_thread>

The first thing you’ll notice is a seemingly odd reference to __pinctrl_state_pins_0__device_dts_ord_39+0x10, with the address subsequently being stored on the stack (sw a5,4(sp)). Most of the other operations are expected as they are loading either values or addresses into argument registers before calling z_setup_new_thread(). However, there is another stack operation (sw a5,0(sp)) prior to the call, and the location on the stack for these two operations should give us a hint to what is going on.

In a previous post, we examined a function that accepted 10 arguments. It just so happens that we are accepting 10 arguments here and experiencing the same behavior as we saw before: spilling arguments on the stack. As specified in the RISC-V calling conventions, we are using the lowest addresses on the stack to pass our spilled arguments.

The stack grows downwards (towards lower addresses) and the stack pointer shall be aligned to a 128-bit boundary upon procedure entry. The first argument passed on the stack is located at offset zero of the stack pointer on function entry; following arguments are stored at correspondingly higher addresses.

So we know why we are storing arguments on the stack, but the significance of the address is still not obvious. We can again use objdump to investigate.

$ riscv64-zephyr-elf-objdump zephyr/zephyr.elf -j rodata --disassemble="__pinctrl_state_pins_0__device_dts_ord_39"

zephyr/zephyr.elf:     file format elf32-littleriscv

Disassembly of section rodata:

3c00072c <__pinctrl_state_pins_0__device_dts_ord_39>:
3c00072c:	d5 7f 03 00 00 00 00 00 94 81 ff 00 02 00 00 00     ................
3c00073c:	6d 61 69 6e 00 00 00 00                             main....

objdump helpfully decodes the 4 bytes at the 0x10 offset into their ASCII representation, with 6d 61 69 61 translating to main, which is the final argument to the z_setup_new_thread() call. Looking at the z_setup_new_thread() declaration, we can observe the purpose of all passed arguments.

kernel/include/kernel_internal.h (source)

extern char *z_setup_new_thread(struct k_thread *new_thread,
				k_thread_stack_t *stack, size_t stack_size,
				k_thread_entry_t entry,
				void *p1, void *p2, void *p3,
				int prio, uint32_t options, const char *name);

Of particular interest in the entry argument, which is where we are passing bg_thread_main. Later on, following setup and switch to the main thread, bg_thread_main is where we will begin executing instructions. This is configured via a few operations in the body of z_setup_new_thread(). The first of note is a call to arch_new_thread().

kernel/thread.c (source)

	arch_new_thread(new_thread, stack, stack_ptr, entry, p1, p2, p3);

This call is defined for the specific target architecture, in this case RISC-V. All architecture-specific thread setup can be performed in this function, such as setting up the initial stack frame for the thread.

arch/riscv/core/thread.c (source)

void arch_new_thread(struct k_thread *thread, k_thread_stack_t *stack,
		     char *stack_ptr, k_thread_entry_t entry,
		     void *p1, void *p2, void *p3)
	extern void z_riscv_thread_start(void);
	struct __esf *stack_init;

	const struct soc_esf soc_esf_init = {SOC_ESF_INIT};

	/* Initial stack frame for thread */
	stack_init = (struct __esf *)Z_STACK_PTR_ALIGN(
				Z_STACK_PTR_TO_FRAME(struct __esf, stack_ptr)

	/* Setup the initial stack frame */
	stack_init->a0 = (unsigned long)entry;
	stack_init->a1 = (unsigned long)p1;
	stack_init->a2 = (unsigned long)p2;
	stack_init->a3 = (unsigned long)p3;

	 * Following the RISC-V architecture,
	 * the MSTATUS register (used to globally enable/disable interrupt),
	 * as well as the MEPC register (used to by the core to save the
	 * value of the program counter at which an interrupt/exception occurs)
	 * need to be saved on the stack, upon an interrupt/exception
	 * and restored prior to returning from the interrupt/exception.
	 * This shall allow to handle nested interrupts.
	 * Given that thread startup happens through the exception exit
	 * path, initially set:
	 * 1) MSTATUS to MSTATUS_DEF_RESTORE in the thread stack to enable
	 *    interrupts when the newly created thread will be scheduled;
	 * 2) MEPC to the address of the z_thread_entry in the thread
	 *    stack.
	 * Hence, when going out of an interrupt/exception/context-switch,
	 * after scheduling the newly created thread:
	 * 1) interrupts will be enabled, as the MSTATUS register will be
	 *    restored following the MSTATUS value set within the thread stack;
	 * 2) the core will jump to z_thread_entry, as the program
	 *    counter will be restored following the MEPC value set within the
	 *    thread stack.
	stack_init->mstatus = MSTATUS_DEF_RESTORE;

	/* thread birth happens through the exception return path */
	thread->arch.exception_depth = 1;
#elif defined(CONFIG_FPU)
	/* Unshared FP mode: enable FPU of each thread. */
	stack_init->mstatus |= MSTATUS_FS_INIT;

	/* Clear user thread context */
	thread->arch.priv_stack_start = 0;

	/* Assign thread entry point and mstatus.MPRV mode. */
	    && (thread->base.user_options & K_USER)) {
		/* User thread */
		stack_init->mepc = (unsigned long)k_thread_user_mode_enter;

	} else {
		/* Supervisor thread */
		stack_init->mepc = (unsigned long)z_thread_entry;

		/* Enable PMP in mstatus.MPRV mode for RISC-V machine mode
		 * if thread is supervisor thread.
		stack_init->mstatus |= MSTATUS_MPRV;

	/* Setup PMP regions of PMP stack guard of thread. */

	stack_init->soc_context = soc_esf_init;

	thread->callee_saved.sp = (unsigned long)stack_init;

	/* where to go when returning from z_riscv_switch() */
	thread->callee_saved.ra = (unsigned long)z_riscv_thread_start;

	/* our switch handle is the thread pointer itself */
	thread->switch_handle = thread;

Note: We’ll explore RISC-V thread support in more depth in a future post.

Following the architecture-specific setup, we set the entrypoint to entry, then add the thread to the doubly-linked list in the _kernel.

kernel/thread.c (source)

	new_thread->entry.pEntry = entry;
	new_thread->entry.parameter1 = p1;
	new_thread->entry.parameter2 = p2;
	new_thread->entry.parameter3 = p3;

	k_spinlock_key_t key = k_spin_lock(&z_thread_monitor_lock);

	new_thread->next_thread = _kernel.threads;
	_kernel.threads = new_thread;
	k_spin_unlock(&z_thread_monitor_lock, key);

After all setup is complete, z_setup_new_thread() returns the stack pointer for the new thread.

kernel/thread.c (source)

	return new_thread;

Back in the inlined prepare_multithreading() function, the call to z_mark_thread_as_started() is inlined as the following instructions.

40380868:	00d94783          	lbu	    a5,13(s2)
4038086c:	d4048513          	addi	a0,s1,-704
40380870:	ffb7f793          	andi	a5,a5,-5
40380874:	00f906a3          	sb	    a5,13(s2)

We previously loaded the address of z_main_thread into s2, so we are simply changing the base.thread_state as evidenced by the definition of z_mark_thread_as_started().

kernel/include/ksched.h (source)

static inline void z_mark_thread_as_started(struct k_thread *thread)
	thread->base.thread_state &= ~_THREAD_PRESTART;

This is followed by adding the thread to the ready queue, with a call to z_ready_thread().

40380878:	714000ef          	jal	    ra,40380f8c <z_ready_thread>

The last operation before finishing up mulithread preparation is to initialize the hart (CPU). We specify hart 0 in the a0 argument register then jump to z_init_cpu().

4038087c:	00000513          	li	    a0,0
40380880:	e7dff0ef          	jal	    ra,403806fc <z_init_cpu>

z_init_cpu() initializes the CPU’s interrupt stack, but also sets up its idle thread, which we mentioned all the way back in the overview of Zephyr system threads.

kernel/init.c (source)

void z_init_cpu(int id)
	_kernel.cpus[id].idle_thread = &z_idle_threads[id];
	_kernel.cpus[id].id = id;
	_kernel.cpus[id].irq_stack =
		(Z_KERNEL_STACK_BUFFER(z_interrupt_stacks[id]) +
	_kernel.cpus[id].usage.track_usage =

Setup for the idle thread looks somewhat similar to the main thread setup previously performed.

kernel/init.c (source)

static void init_idle_thread(int i)
	struct k_thread *thread = &z_idle_threads[i];
	k_thread_stack_t *stack = z_idle_stacks[i];


	char tname[8];
	snprintk(tname, 8, "idle %02d", i);
	char *tname = "idle";

	char *tname = NULL;

	z_setup_new_thread(thread, stack,
			  CONFIG_IDLE_STACK_SIZE, idle, &_kernel.cpus[i],

	thread->base.is_idle = 1U;

Finally, we are ready to begin the process of switching to the main thread, returning its stack pointer to switch_to_main_thread(). RISC-V does not define a custom swap to main function, so we immediately call z_swap_unlocked(), which, you guessed it, is also inlined.

kernel/init.c (source)

static FUNC_NORETURN void switch_to_main_thread(char *stack_ptr)
	arch_switch_to_main_thread(&z_main_thread, stack_ptr, bg_thread_main);
	 * Context switch to main task (entry function is _main()): the
	 * current fake thread is not on a wait queue or ready queue, so it
	 * will never be rescheduled in.

Switching to Main Link to heading

z_swap_unlocked() calls do_swap(), but before doing so it needs to acquire the interrupt request (IRQ) lock to avoid being interrupted while swapping threads.

kernel/include/kswap.h (source)

static inline void z_swap_unlocked(void)
	(void) do_swap(arch_irq_lock(), NULL, true);

As with most functions prefixed with arch_, arch_irq_lock() is architecture-specific, and for RISC-V it involves modifying the machine interrupt enable (MIE) bit in the mstatus Control & Status Register (CSR).

include/zephyr/arch/riscv/arch.h (source)

 * use atomic instruction csrrc to lock global irq
 * csrrc: atomic read and clear bits in CSR register
static ALWAYS_INLINE unsigned int arch_irq_lock(void)
	return z_soc_irq_lock();
	unsigned int key;

	__asm__ volatile ("csrrc %0, mstatus, %1"
			  : "=r" (key)
			  : "rK" (MSTATUS_IEN)
			  : "memory");

	return key;

The atomic read and clear immediate (csrrci) instruction is next in our disassembly. MSTATUS_IEN translates to 8, as the MIE bit is in the 4th position in mstatus, so we can clear it with 1000. The value of mstatus before the bit is cleared is stored in s2.

40380884:	30047973          	csrrci	s2,mstatus,8
40380888:	00842983          	lw	    s3,8(s0)
4038088c:	ff500793          	li	    a5,-11
40380890:	06f9ac23          	sw	    a5,120(s3)
40380894:	300477f3          	csrrci	a5,mstatus,8

The subsequent instructions are inlined from do_swap(). The first is loading our _current thread from the _kernel structure, the address of which we previously stored in s0. We used the 8 bit offset in the _kernel structure earlier to set _current to the dummy_thread, and now are loading it back into s3.

kernel/include/kswap.h (source)

	old_thread = _current;


	old_thread->swap_retval = -EAGAIN;

	/* We always take the scheduler spinlock if we don't already
	 * have it.  We "release" other spinlocks here.  But we never
	 * drop the interrupt lock.
	if (is_spinlock && lock != NULL && lock != &sched_spinlock) {
	if (!is_spinlock || lock != &sched_spinlock) {
		(void) k_spin_lock(&sched_spinlock);

	new_thread = z_swap_next_thread();

z_check_stack_sentinel() is a no-op as we don’t have CONFIG_STACK_SENTINEL enabled, so the next operation is to set the dummy_thread swap return value to -EAGAIN, which corresponds to the li a5,-11 and sw a5,120(s3) instructions. Because we passed NULL as lock to do_swap(), we then call k_spin_lock(), which causes, in this case, an extraneous second disabling of the machine-level interrupts in mstatus (csrrci a5,mstatus,8). We now are ready to swap to the next thread on the queue with z_swap_next_thread().

40380898:	0d5000ef          	jal	    ra,4038116c <z_swap_next_thread>

We previously added the main thread to the queue when we called z_ready_thread(), so it will be assigned as new_thread.

kernel/sched.c (source)

struct k_thread *z_swap_next_thread(void)
	struct k_thread *ret = next_up();

	if (ret == _current) {
		/* When not swapping, have to signal IPIs here.  In
		 * the context switch case it must happen later, after
		 * _current gets requeued.
	return ret;
	return _kernel.ready_q.cache;

When we return, we check that new_thread is not the same as old_thread, which is true in this case, meaning we have some additional operations to perform.

kernel/include/kswap.h (source)

	if (new_thread != old_thread) {

		_current_cpu->swap_ok = 0;
		new_thread->base.cpu = arch_curr_cpu()->id;

		if (!is_spinlock) {
		_current_cpu->current = new_thread;



		arch_cohere_stacks(old_thread, NULL, new_thread);

		/* Add _current back to the run queue HERE. After
		 * wait_for_switch() we are guaranteed to reach the
		 * context switch in finite time, avoiding a potential
		 * deadlock.
		void *newsh = new_thread->switch_handle;

			/* Active threads MUST have a null here */
			new_thread->switch_handle = NULL;
		arch_switch(newsh, &old_thread->switch_handle);
	} else {

Most of the functionality in this block is omitted, or is a no-op for this use case. All we end up doing before making the final switch is setting the current thread of _current_cpu to new_thread (mv s1,a0 and sw a0,8(s0)) before resetting the time slice with z_reset_time_slice(), which receives new_thread via the a0 argument register.

4038089c:	02a98063          	beq	    s3,a0,403808bc <z_cstart+0xfc>
403808a0:	00050493          	mv	    s1,a0
403808a4:	00a42423          	sw	    a0,8(s0)
403808a8:	1e0000ef          	jal	    ra,40380a88 <z_reset_time_slice>

Finally we call arch_switch(), which is inlined as a call to z_riscv_switch().

arch/riscv/include/kernel_arch_func.h (source)

static ALWAYS_INLINE void
arch_switch(void *switch_to, void **switched_from)
	extern void z_riscv_switch(struct k_thread *new, struct k_thread *old);
	struct k_thread *new = switch_to;
	struct k_thread *old = CONTAINER_OF(switched_from, struct k_thread,
	arch_syscall_invoke2((uintptr_t)new, (uintptr_t)old, RV_ECALL_SCHEDULE);
	z_riscv_switch(new, old);

We pass the switch_handle for the new_thread (s1) and the old_thread (s3) in argument registers a0 and a1 respectively.

403808ac:	07c4a503          	lw	    a0,124(s1)
403808b0:	00098593          	mv	    a1,s3
403808b4:	01c93097          	auipc	ra,0x1c93
403808b8:	818080e7          	jalr	-2024(ra) # 420130cc <z_riscv_switch>

z_riscv_switch() appears to be doing quite a bit, but as we’ll see shortly, for our simple use case it is just storing registers from the old thread and loading them for the new one.

arch/riscv/core/switch.S (source)

/* void z_riscv_switch(k_thread_t *switch_to, k_thread_t *switch_from) */
SECTION_FUNC(TEXT, z_riscv_switch)

	/* Save the old thread's callee-saved registers */

	/* Save the old thread's stack pointer */
	sr sp, _thread_offset_to_sp(a1)

	/* Set thread->switch_handle = thread to mark completion */
	sr a1, ___thread_t_switch_handle_OFFSET(a1)

	/* Get the new thread's stack pointer */
	lr sp, _thread_offset_to_sp(a0)

	/* Get the new thread's tls pointer */
	lr tp, _thread_offset_to_tls(a0)

	 /* Preserve a0 across following call. s0 is not yet restored. */
	mv s0, a0
	call z_riscv_fpu_thread_context_switch
	mv a0, s0

	/* Stack guard has priority over user space for PMP usage. */
	mv s0, a0
	call z_riscv_pmp_stackguard_enable
	mv a0, s0
#elif defined(CONFIG_USERSPACE)
	 * When stackguard is not enabled, we need to configure the PMP only
	 * at context switch time as the PMP is not in effect while inm-mode.
	 * (it is done on every exception return otherwise).
	lb t0, _thread_offset_to_user_options(a0)
	andi t0, t0, K_USER
	beqz t0, not_user_task
	mv s0, a0
	call z_riscv_pmp_usermode_enable
	mv a0, s0

	mv s0, a0
	call z_thread_mark_switched_in
	mv a0, s0

	/* Restore the new thread's callee-saved registers */

	/* Return to arch_switch() or _irq_wrapper() */

The disassembly reveals that we are mostly only performing DO_CALLEE_SAVED operations, as well as loading and storing stack pointers (sp) and setting the old thread’s switch_handle. However, the most critical operation is part of restoring the new thread’s callee-saved registers.

420130cc <z_riscv_switch>:
420130cc:	0215aa23          	sw	ra,52(a1)
420130d0:	0285ac23          	sw	s0,56(a1)
420130d4:	0295ae23          	sw	s1,60(a1)
420130d8:	0525a023          	sw	s2,64(a1)
420130dc:	0535a223          	sw	s3,68(a1)
420130e0:	0545a423          	sw	s4,72(a1)
420130e4:	0555a623          	sw	s5,76(a1)
420130e8:	0565a823          	sw	s6,80(a1)
420130ec:	0575aa23          	sw	s7,84(a1)
420130f0:	0585ac23          	sw	s8,88(a1)
420130f4:	0595ae23          	sw	s9,92(a1)
420130f8:	07a5a023          	sw	s10,96(a1)
420130fc:	07b5a223          	sw	s11,100(a1)
42013100:	0225a823          	sw	sp,48(a1)
42013104:	06b5ae23          	sw	a1,124(a1)
42013108:	03052103          	lw	sp,48(a0)
4201310c:	03452083          	lw	ra,52(a0)
42013110:	03852403          	lw	s0,56(a0)
42013114:	03c52483          	lw	s1,60(a0)
42013118:	04052903          	lw	s2,64(a0)
4201311c:	04452983          	lw	s3,68(a0)
42013120:	04852a03          	lw	s4,72(a0)
42013124:	04c52a83          	lw	s5,76(a0)
42013128:	05052b03          	lw	s6,80(a0)
4201312c:	05452b83          	lw	s7,84(a0)
42013130:	05852c03          	lw	s8,88(a0)
42013134:	05c52c83          	lw	s9,92(a0)
42013138:	06052d03          	lw	s10,96(a0)
4201313c:	06452d83          	lw	s11,100(a0)
42013140:	00008067          	ret

Ealier when calling the RISC-V implementation of arch_new_thread(), we performed the following operation prior to returning.

arch/riscv/core/thread.c (source)

	/* where to go when returning from z_riscv_switch() */
	thread->callee_saved.ra = (unsigned long)z_riscv_thread_start;

We are now loading the address of z_riscv_thread_start() into ra, meaning that when we execute ret, the program counter will jump to executing there. z_riscv_thread_start() is similar to z_riscv_switch() in that it has the potential to be quite complex, but for our program it is doing a few fundamental operations.

arch/riscv/core/isr.S (source)

	/* reload s0 with &_current_cpu as it might have changed or be unset */
	get_current_cpu s0


	/* Restore context at SOC level */
	addi a0, sp, __z_arch_esf_t_soc_context_OFFSET
	jal ra, __soc_restore_context

	/* FPU handling upon exception mode exit */
	mv a0, sp
	call z_riscv_fpu_exit_exc

	/* decrement _current->arch.exception_depth */
	lr t0, ___cpu_t_current_OFFSET(s0)
	lb t1, _thread_offset_to_exception_depth(t0)
	add t1, t1, -1
	sb t1, _thread_offset_to_exception_depth(t0)

	/* Restore MEPC and MSTATUS registers */
	lr t0, __z_arch_esf_t_mepc_OFFSET(sp)
	lr t2, __z_arch_esf_t_mstatus_OFFSET(sp)
	csrw mepc, t0
	csrw mstatus, t2

	 * Check if we are returning to user mode. If so then we must
	 * set is_user_mode to true and preserve our kernel mode stack for
	 * the next exception to come.
	and t0, t2, t1
	bnez t0, 1f

	/* Remove kernel stack guard and Reconfigure PMP for user mode */
	lr a0, ___cpu_t_current_OFFSET(s0)
	call z_riscv_pmp_usermode_enable

	/* Set our per-thread usermode flag */
	li t1, 1
	lui t0, %tprel_hi(is_user_mode)
	add t0, t0, tp, %tprel_add(is_user_mode)
	sb t1, %tprel_lo(is_user_mode)(t0)

	/* preserve stack pointer for next exception entry */
	add t0, sp, __z_arch_esf_t_SIZEOF
	sr t0, _curr_cpu_arch_user_exc_sp(s0)

	j 2f
	 * We are returning to kernel mode. Store the stack pointer to
	 * be re-loaded further down.
	addi t0, sp, __z_arch_esf_t_SIZEOF
	sr t0, __z_arch_esf_t_sp_OFFSET(sp)

	/* Restore s0 (it is no longer ours) */
	lr s0, __z_arch_esf_t_s0_OFFSET(sp)

	/* Restore caller-saved registers from thread stack */

	/* retrieve saved stack pointer */
	lr sp, __z_arch_esf_t_sp_OFFSET(sp)
	/* remove esf from the stack */
	addi sp, sp, __z_arch_esf_t_SIZEOF



Looking at the disassembly one last time, we can see that ra is subsequently being restored, this time as part of DO_CALLER_SAVED.

4038024c <z_riscv_thread_start>:
4038024c:	ff903417          	auipc	s0,0xff903
40380250:	ba440413          	addi	s0,s0,-1116 # 3fc82df0 <_kernel>

40380254 <no_reschedule>:
40380254:	04012283          	lw  	t0,64(sp)
40380258:	04412383          	lw	    t2,68(sp)
4038025c:	34129073          	csrw	mepc,t0
40380260:	30039073          	csrw	mstatus,t2
40380264:	04812403          	lw	    s0,72(sp)
40380268:	00412283          	lw	    t0,4(sp)
4038026c:	00812303          	lw	    t1,8(sp)
40380270:	00c12383          	lw	    t2,12(sp)
40380274:	01012e03          	lw	    t3,16(sp)
40380278:	01412e83          	lw	    t4,20(sp)
4038027c:	01812f03          	lw	    t5,24(sp)
40380280:	01c12f83          	lw	    t6,28(sp)
40380284:	02012503          	lw	    a0,32(sp)
40380288:	02412583          	lw	    a1,36(sp)
4038028c:	02812603          	lw	    a2,40(sp)
40380290:	02c12683          	lw	    a3,44(sp)
40380294:	03012703          	lw	    a4,48(sp)
40380298:	03412783          	lw	    a5,52(sp)
4038029c:	03812803          	lw	    a6,56(sp)
403802a0:	03c12883          	lw	    a7,60(sp)
403802a4:	00012083          	lw	    ra,0(sp)
403802a8:	05010113          	addi	sp,sp,80
403802ac:	30200073          	mret

This is once again available due to operations performed earlier in arch_new_thread(), where we stored the address of the thread’s entrypoint as the first value on the stack (0(sp)).

arch/riscv/core/thread.c (source)

	/* Setup the initial stack frame */
	stack_init->a0 = (unsigned long)entry;

When we return (mret), we’ll begin executing at the thread entrypoint. However, we didn’t pass our main() as the thread entrypoint, but rather bg_thread_main(). bg_thread_main() simply performs some final setup, before eventually invoking main().

kernel/init.c (source)

static void bg_thread_main(void *unused1, void *unused2, void *unused3)

	/* Invoked here such that backing store or eviction algorithms may
	 * initialize kernel objects, and that all POST_KERNEL and later tasks
	 * may perform memory management tasks (except for z_phys_map() which
	 * is allowed at any time)
#endif /* CONFIG_MMU */
	z_sys_post_kernel = true;

	z_stack_adjust_initialized = 1;

#if defined(CONFIG_CPP)
	void z_cpp_init_static(void);

	/* Final init level before app starts */




#endif /* CONFIG_MMU */

	extern int main(void);


	/* Mark nonessential since main() has no more work to do */
	z_main_thread.base.user_options &= ~K_ESSENTIAL;

	/* Dump coverage data once the main() has exited. */

main() may return, as our example does. In that case, the main thread is marked as nonessential and is free to terminate without causing a crash. At long last we have made it to main()!

Concluding Thoughts Link to heading

There is a lot of complexity in Zephyr’s thread architecture that we haven’t covered in this post, but we have explored the core setup that almost all applications go through. Much of the logic used in this phase of execution is also used for scheduling subsequent threads and managing their lifecycle. In a future post we’ll explore a more sophisticated example, as well as alternative scheduling algorithms and configuration.

As always, these posts are meant to serve as a useful resource for folks who are interested in learning more about RISC-V and low-level software in general. If I can do a better job of reaching that goal, or you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send me a message @hasheddan Twitter, on Mastodon, or on Bluesky (yeah, I guess we’re doing that now)!